• haiku,  landscape,  natural areas,  Pineridge Natural Area,  sunrises,  writing/reading

    After Sunrise

    after sunrise
    dropped by a coffee shop
    morning mocha


    My parents made the decision to sell their house in Phoenix and move into an assisted living facility. So, my sisters, my brother-in-law and I will help them clear out a 1600 sq ft home and move into a 650 sq ft, 1 bedroom, 1 bath apartment. This is something they have talked about for a while and been a concern with my sisters, my brother-in-law and I for awhile. My parents finally asked my sister, Marcee, if she would check on everything, the facility and the money. She did a wonderful job of presenting them the options of staying in their house or living in an assisted living facility, then letting them make the decision themselves. It seems we all agree it’s a good decision. I fly out tomorrow for Phoenix. Not sure how long I will be gone so my posts may be sporadic or nothing at all. Enjoy your weekend! Oh, and Happy May Day!

  • clouds,  haiku,  landscape,  natural areas,  Pineridge Natural Area,  sunrises,  writing/reading

    Favorite Moments

    courage to persist
    listening for our answer
    robins morning song


    Watching the first light of this new day, the moon setting in the west while the sun brightens the eastern sky. A gentle wind blows, prompting the meadow grasses to dance. A pelican bobs on the waves of the reservoir. Robins sing their morning song for me. A hawk effortlessly soars on the wind currents high above the reservoir. These are calming moments for my soul to begin the day. We have a chance for rain today, much needed moisture.

  • fountain pens,  haiku,  journal,  writing/reading

    A Simple Post

    Started this day at Mugs for some journaling and a mocha latte
    Started the day at Mugs with some journaling and a mocha latte

    listen to the muse
    trade a blank page for words
    always time well spent


    Cold and light snow falling. Laundry is almost done. Will meet Joe in a few minutes for coffee. Plan to read and journal later. It’s a simple day, a simple post. And, you’ve not seen a post of my journal and fountain pens since March 28th. Way overdue! 😁

  • clouds,  haiku,  landscape,  natural areas,  Pineridge Natural Area,  sunrises,  writing/reading

    The Storm Approaches

    This morning's sunrise at Pineridge Natural Area
    Framing this morning’s sunrise at Pineridge Natural Area though the fence.

    clouds on horizon
    wind blows cold from the north
    snow storm approaches


    Winter storm warning has been issued. Snow begins later today and into the night with 3-6 inches accumulation. Watched a bank of clouds sit along the eastern horizon while clouds drifted from north to south filling in the open sky above me. The storm approaches.

  • animals,  haiku,  natural areas,  Pineridge Natural Area,  writing/reading

    Morning Visitor

    morning visitor
    give one another distance
    keeping eye contact


    A cloudy and cold morning at Pineridge Natural Area. No wind, no bird songs, all was quiet. I was the only one there this morning. Seemed everyone else stayed in bed or had a second cup of coffee. There were several cottontails checking me out: Are you friend or foe? They have that alertness, always present to where they and you are. Where we seem to wander in thought, seldom staying present. I stayed more present this morning as I let them teach me.