• leaves,  Plants,  poems,  poetic journal,  quotes,  winter scenes,  writing/reading

    So Let Go

    life is to be lived
    it’s our gift to the world
    so let go, fall freely

    and become who we were created to be


    It was bitter cold this morning, 7 degrees when I left the condo for coffee shop. Yet, clear blue skies and sunshine dominated the day. Today was winter graduation for some at Colorado State University so it was hectic around campus and a good reason to stay home. Expecting it to drop to 7 again tonight. Thankfully no wind. Stay warm and have a great day tomorrow. Live life!

  • coffee life,  coffee shops,  poetic journal,  writing/reading

    A Good Book

    I don’t promote many books here but this is one that has impressed me; Braided Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer. Nor is this a book review. I must say I’m impressed with how she brings across her message of our need to connect with all of creation. We have lost that. She reminds us where our place is within creation, that we are part of creation and not superior to all of creation.

  • gratitude,  landscape,  natural areas,  Pineridge Natural Area,  poems,  poetic journal,  poetry,  sunrises,  writing/reading

    Morning Sanctuaries

    My day begins in the sanctuary of my home.
    with the quiet of prayer and meditation.

    Then I make my way to the sanctuary
    of a local natural area.

    My feathered sisters and brothers greet me as the goldfinches,
    house finches, chickadees, meadowlarks, magpies,
    robins, swallows all sing songs of joy this morning.

    I watch their amazing aerial antics as they snatch insects in midair
    or playfully chase one another from branch to branch.

    My eyes catch that patient fisherman, the Great Blue Heron,
    who silently wades in the shallow waters of Dixon Reservoir.

    A pair of mallards cruise the waters of the reservoir
    sending their delicate wavelets to shore.

    A noisey crow pesters a red-tail hawk, both adrift in the baby blue sky.

    Two bashful cottontails step from their hiding place
    to nibble on blades of grass.

    My soul now filled with nature’s delights
    and the mind cleared of intrusive thoughts,
    I make my way to one of my coffee shop sanctuaries.

    Two young squirrels pause their wrestling
    to keep a watchful eye on me as I enter this sanctuary
    then scamper up a tree.

    Now sitting in a favorite chair enjoying my mocha latte,
    crafted with love by Emma.

    I now put pen to paper in my journal
    taking note of the ordinary gifts
    given in my morning sanctuaries.

  • coffee life,  fountain pens,  journal,  lifestyles,  poems,  poetic journal,  poetry,  writing/reading

    Today’s Gifts

    Morning journaling time

    I start my day with quiet time
    before planning the tasks ahead
    and now a mocha at a favorite shop.

    Always have my camera, my journal,
    my fountain pens and now-a-days
    the needed reading glasses.

    I write to start the day slowly
    not rushing blindly forward or the
    day cannot be lived to its fullest.

    I write to find words that help
    lead me one step at a time for
    words that become today’s gifts.

  • coffee shops,  journal,  poems,  poetic journal,  writing/reading

    A Sanctuary Within

    A morning of blank pages, empty and barren
    my mind wandering while I sit before them, staring.

    Aware I refuse to face them, even turning away,
    finding something else to do, even daydreaming.

    I ask for a willingness to listen for inspiration,
    alert to the inner voice seen through pen and ink.

    Transformative words are not always found in books
    but through whispers heard from a sanctuary within.


  • fall season,  frost,  leaves,  Plants,  poems,  poetic journal,  seasons,  writing/reading

    brush strokes of frost

    Cottonwood leaves covered in frost – Arapaho Bend Natural Area in 2014

    Wintery morning stroll in a world turned white
    I love nature’s work of art created in the cold of night
    So grateful for these lovely brush strokes of frost


    I did not pick up my camera all day. A bit unusual for me. The sun has just set. I feel the need to write a post. So, I sit at my desk. The cold air gathers around my feet as I ask for words to write. I sort through them in the quiet. The furnace turns on. I no longer sit in silence. I stay in my chair awaiting for more words and they are given. This post is simple, nothing eloquent. It’s what I do and my way to reach out to a virtual world of friends. I’ll end with a prayer that you feel the love within you and sleep well.

  • landscape,  natural areas,  Plants,  poems,  poetic journal,  writing/reading

    It’s Mysterious

    Taken on my walk around Dixon Reservoir this evening

    forest fires destroy
    leaving a path of darkness
    yet new life will dawn

    it’s mysterious
    the laws of nature baffle
    senseless to logic


    The Lewstone fire is at 100% containment. People returned home yesterday. The Cameron Peak fire is over 21,000 acres and 0% containment. But yesterday evening they had a few showers which helped them. Today the skies are much clearer. We can see the mountains again.

    This afternoon I took the 1.8 mile walk around Dixon Reservoir. Eerily quiet for the first half hour I was there. I was able to finish John O’Donohue’s book today, Walking in Wonder. Plan on starting a Mary Oliver book of poems next. Hope you have a great evening and wonderful day tomorrow.