• flowers,  lifestyles,  Plants,  rants,  writing/reading

    Opinion or Belief

    I’ve reflected and journaled for over a year whether I want to say “in my opinion” or “I believe” and what the difference is.

    I’ve not always wanted to share my words on some issues because differences in opinion rise to the surface that have the potential to bring up conflict, and I hate conflict. Yet, it seems there is a desire within all of us to express ourselves, to be heard, voice our opinion or belief. I’m questioning if my opinion is really more about my egoic thinking, sharing my knowledge or what I’ve been taught. Is my opinion really my belief?

    When two people have a difference of opinion, mutual true sharing can get lost in defending our opinions or refuting theirs. In my own life I would like to get to a place where I say what I believe from that deep place within, my heart or gut, rather than what I just think! Saying “In my opinion” can be an aggressive phrase while saying “I believe” is not. Doesn’t the poet, writer, lyricist share from a deep place within rather than from what they think. So, just for the heck of it, what is your opinion or what do you believe? 🤔 Happy Labor Day!

  • clouds,  landscape,  natural areas,  Pineridge Natural Area,  Plants,  rants,  sunrises,  writing/reading

    A good start to the day

    The other morning I did not read or journal as I normally do when I arrived at the natural area. Instead I sat on the bench with my chai and camera, just watching and listening. In the predawn darkness I could hear an owl hoot but never saw them. I felt the colors slowly change from the cool predawn blue to the warm golden sunrise. The absence of any wind to move leaves, the thistle or the grass presented a calm. All was still. There was a embracing quiet around me and within me. Every so often I would listen to my muse and lift the camera, compose and press the shutter button. Another good start to the day.

    I enjoy experiencing sunrises, in case you haven’t noticed. I photograph a lot of them, in case you haven’t noticed. After I saw this image on my computer I asked myself the question, “What can I do to be a part of creating sunrise images that have my signature to them, that are not just repeats of yesterday or someone else or do I already have my own signature?” I want to experiment in more creative ways with images that really say something to me and about me. Which means you’ll probably see more sunrise images. 😁

  • clouds,  horizons,  Humor,  landscape,  quotes,  rants,  sunsets,  writing/reading


    The hidden sun

    “Simplicity is always the secret, to a profound truth, to doing things, to writing, to painting. Life is profound in its simplicity.” ― Charles Bukowski

    Over the past 15 years I have have in some ways simplified my life. I do not have as much material things and still in the process of getting rid of more. What I believe Bukowski is referring to is the way we live our lives rather than letting go of our possessions. For me the older I get the more I live a simple life. Just slowing down is simplifying. I’ve heard people say less is better but when I meditate on that I’m not sure that’s the case. For me the secret to a simple life is reading more, journaling more, walking more and slower, more solitude and silence, sitting before more sunsets, more moments of listening to the wind whisper through the leaves and more Doves chocolates. 😊 

  • Humor,  lake,  landscape,  musings,  natural areas,  rants,  trees

    Twitching my nose

    The old barn at Kingfisher Natural Area

    I spent time at one of the natural areas this morning. Peaceful, serene and for me a great way to start my day. Driving home a young man in a large black CJ7 Jeep come up beside me rather fast, speakers blasting. When he pulled up beside me at the stoplight my car began to vibrate and my bones began to vibrate due to the volume. It was at that moment all serenity and peace evaporated. I quickly began to fantasize for a twitching nose like Samantha from the Bewitched television show and twitch my nose to blow those speakers. I’d show him! Yes, I go there once in a while. Have a great weekend! 😠 

  • clouds,  horizons,  landscape,  rants,  writing/reading

    Every day

    Clear blue skies in eastern Colorado sunset

    I noticed this morning an increase in visual pollution
    as three contrails were etched on the blue sky.

    A question arose, instead of going back to what was,
    what if we kept the blue skies clear, every day?

    I like clear blue skies.


  • Food,  lifestyles,  rants,  Transportation,  window

    Burn off the jelly

    Morning toast and coffee

    Awoke early. Couldn’t go back to sleep. Spent a bit more time reading and writing while enjoying toast and coffee. Took a walk this afternoon to Fisher Nature Area, even put in some extra steps. Needed to burn off the jelly I put on the toast.

    US Air Force Thunderbirds

    I heard the jets coming as I stepped outside to take the camera for a walk when. They were on top of me so quickly. I didn’t even look, just raised the camera and fired away.

    I had heard earlier this morning that the US Air Force Thunderbirds were planning a flyover across communities in Colorado to honor “healthcare workers, first responders, military members and other essential personnel who are working on the front lines to combat the coronavirus.” The flight path was to take them over more than 40 medical facilities.

    I find it a contradiction that military aircraft, designed to kill thousands of people, would plan a flyover in tribute to healthcare workers, first responders whose purpose is to keep people alive and include military members. I’m confused!

  • clouds,  landscape,  mountains,  poems,  quotes,  rants,  sunrises,  writing/reading

    Some questions

    Longs Peak at sunrise seen from Running Deer Nature area

    “I want to sing like the birds sing
    Not worrying about who hears
    Or what they think.”

    I wonder what went through the minds of our ancestors who were physically, mentally and spiritually closer to nature then we are? I ask because I come to these nature areas to find distance from the noise of the city but find my mind is consistently distracted. Were they capable of being more present than I seem to be? I’m aware the more time I spend out here the more present I can be. After a period of settling in, adjusting to this place, I hear, then see, the osprey soaring in the wind drafts, being pursued by a pesky crow. Next I notice a goldfinch that just perched on a bush nearby, singing it’s soft and delicate “swee-eet” song. I watch and am amazed at how quickly the birds can fly from here to there, silently. If you do not know what I write about then spend a morning in a nature area, listen, watch, be present, bring a journal and use it, and please leave your phone at home. Just some questions. 

  • clouds,  Essays,  landscape,  Photography,  rants,  sunsets,  Vision,  winter scenes

    None of those excuses are true…

    Winter evening sunset in eastern Colorado

    I am fully aware I do not get out for many nature and landscape images as I have in years past. Maybe, just a season in my life? I can’t point to one specific reason but here are few excuses I’ve used; sloth, age, lack of desire, need a better camera or lens, I’m not good enough, too far to drive or a few other excuses I can conjure up in my mind. Now that I’ve written that it’s obvious I need to have a talk with myself because none of those excuses are true. Gratefully, I’m not beating on myself about this and still taking images focused more on street and documentary.