I’ve reflected and journaled for over a year whether I want to say “in my opinion” or “I believe” and what the difference is.
I’ve not always wanted to share my words on some issues because differences in opinion rise to the surface that have the potential to bring up conflict, and I hate conflict. Yet, it seems there is a desire within all of us to express ourselves, to be heard, voice our opinion or belief. I’m questioning if my opinion is really more about my egoic thinking, sharing my knowledge or what I’ve been taught. Is my opinion really my belief?
When two people have a difference of opinion, mutual true sharing can get lost in defending our opinions or refuting theirs. In my own life I would like to get to a place where I say what I believe from that deep place within, my heart or gut, rather than what I just think! Saying “In my opinion” can be an aggressive phrase while saying “I believe” is not. Doesn’t the poet, writer, lyricist share from a deep place within rather than from what they think. So, just for the heck of it, what is your opinion or what do you believe? Happy Labor Day!