My online journal where I share my interests in photography, nature, coffee life, journaling, fountain pens, bicycling, spirituality and asking deep questions.
View from the writing studio at Pineridge Natural Area looking north
“Like my father, I believe that nonviolence is the antidote to what he called ‘the triple evils of racism, poverty and militarism.’ These three evils were consuming our hopes for community in 1964, and, fifty years later, we remain divided because of their festering effects.” Bernice King
A troubling time for me. Awoke around 3:00 am with distressing thoughts and images running through my head. I have never felt such anxiety in our society, and the world, as I do now. We have those who seem focused on using violence as a solution to quell the voice of people. Haven’t we proven violence is not the solution. Let’s focus on the welfare of people rather than warfare on people.
This is an open lot about two blocks from my condo. I am standing along Shields Street and looking east. I’ve taken a few images of sunrises from this location. However, that will change over the next couple years as they sent notice that they will be building an apartment complex and small convenience store in this field. There are people who call it growth, development, progress, because it is about money to them. I want to call it destruction. Saddens me to see areas like this within the city changed from a natural world to concrete and wood structures surrounded by asphalt!
I regularly use the bathroom located near the Legacy Lounge at Lory Student Center. It seems that as I enter the toilet stall, the toilet flushes. When I sit down, the toilet flushes. When I’ve finished my business and stand up, the toilet flushes. As I open the door to walk out, the toilet flushes. So, I’m for putting the handles back on toilets and urinals and asking people be responsible for their shit.
The Things I Think I Need otherwise known as TITIN. I think I caught it. It explains much of my thinking over the past few decades. I’m pretty sure there are no med’s for it, although I suppose I could ask my family doctor. He may get a kick out of it or have the same affliction, disease, broken thinking, or whatever ya call it.
My TITIN thinking is trying to justify purchasing a new laptop or an iPad Pro or a Surface Go to replace an old Chromebook and a nine year old Macbook. I use both of these tools for writing on my blog, reading your blogs, checking emails, editing my images and, of course internet shopping for the next thing I think I need.
According to marketing both tools are outdated, which means there are hands wanting to take more money from my wallet for their latest and greatest. They don’t seem to understand there is no money in the wallet. I’m retired! Every once in awhile the Sugar Mama solution enters my mind but the side effects may be worse than the solution.
In all honesty the Macbook is outdated due the constant updating of software. However, my simple needs are met with both the tools I have. I wonder if TITIN is related to GAS Cramps.
Nature is quite the artist. It creates continuously and always each new creations is unique. Oh, that I would look more often at the natural world and its beauty.
I have several images of this tree taken during all four seasons and at different times of the day. This tree lies along a three-quarter mile stretch of dirt road leading to the Arapahoe Bend Nature Area. I’ve been going out there for the past 10 years for quiet time and photography. I’ve seen many a hawk perched on one it’s branches and even an eagle. I like this old tree and what it stands for. Over that ten years I’ve had the chance watch this area change.
Technology has added much to our lives but along with it has come side effects. First, we’re so accustomed to these technologies that life would seem unbearable without them: electricity, gas, clean water, supermarkets, medicines, etc. And, arguably, some side effects may cause more harm than benefit. We have come to feel our luxuries are really necessities such as television, microwaves, phones, automobiles, etc. Can’t live without them. But can we?
I was taking in all the beauty while walking the path along Spring Creek when I realized I could not enjoy this beauty without the my glasses. For me my glasses are both a luxury and necessity. I had to laugh and knew I wanted to write about it. But first, I wanted to know who invented or discovered eyeglasses? Using one of my other technological tools I did a google search.
Wikipedia states: The earliest written record of magnification dates back to the 1st century AD, when Seneca the Younger, a tutor of Emperor Nero of Rome, wrote: “Letters, however small and indistinct, are seen enlarged and more clearly through a globe or glass filled with water”. Thus began the invention of using optics so “I” could see on my walk. Without optical technology I would not be looking at the world through my glasses or camera or writing this post. And, that would not be a good thing.