A simple project I did a few years ago was to take and post an image of a bench each day for a complete month. Every since that exercise my eye has been drawn to benches so I keep adding images to the subject (keyword). With the snowfall and cold we’ve had it is more difficult to get out but some days I just have to get out there. This bench is not as inviting as it is in the warmer seasons but it is one of my favorite subjects.
I find I’m drawn to benches as well. I don’t know about you, but I’m about ready for some warmer temperatures!
Monte Stevens
Yes, bring on the warmer weather! I leave on a 4-day trip today and will be in Greensboro tonight. I think it will be warmer there than it is here. We are not expected to be above freezing for the next few days. But, then I head back north. Stay warm, my friend!
Steve Skinner
I sat on many a “frozen bench” estically in my college days in eastern Washington state. Fotball season in late November almost always saw some snow; it seemed like fun 30+ years ago but not so much in 2010!
Monte Stevens
You’re too funny!!!!
Warm or cold a bench calls out to sit and rest, not lay down and quit.
Monte Stevens
Well said, Don!
An interesting dichotomy in this image Monte. Usually a bench looks inviting, but not so much in this case.
Monte Stevens
Only a photographer would look at the bench this time of the year.