This was taken a few years ago while on a walk in one of the natural areas near my condo in Colorado. I had a telephoto lens on when we noticed the pelicans circling above us. I just stopped and tracked them as the soared.
My online journal where I share my interests in photography, nature, coffee life, journaling, fountain pens, bicycling, spirituality and asking deep questions.
Anita Jesse
How beatiful! The light coming through is amazing. Which telephoto were you using?
Monte Stevens
Thanks, Anita! It was the Nikon 80-400mm VR lens. I’ve sold it and now have the smaller 70-300mm VR lens.
David Leland Hyde
Spectacular. Great how you were able to get the full outline, wingspan, every detail of such a magnificent bird. The composition is perfect. What an image. Interesting how his or her beak is so narrow at this angle.
Monte Stevens
Thanks, David. This is one of those images where I really did not know what I had until I loaded them on the computer. It turned out so much better than I expected.
Chris Klug
Holy smoke, what a great image. I bet hand-holding and tracking was a challenge. Bravo!
Monte Stevens
Sometimes everything seems to fall into place. This is a cropped image as I did not get the pelican centered, photoshop did that. All I had to do was take the shot.