Near our hotel in Albany, NY is a small coffee shop called Professor Java’s Coffee Sanctuary. I’ve made two visits and enjoyed my experience both times. The coffee is good and the sandwiches are top-notch. The ambiance is what I liked the most. They have converted an older home into this sanctuary so we have three separate rooms, each with its own feel. I noticed these two gentlemen ordering their coffees and setting up a table to play their game. This was the image liked best. I had taken a couple of images and then just watched through the view finder in anticipation of one of the men to make his move. When he did I pressed the shutter. This was also taken at ISO 3200.
Ray Ketcham
Heck of an image Monte! I love the feel and implied story in this a lot. More than just a picture it has a history and feel of stories told, shared and argued over the game.
Monte Stevens
Thanks, Ray. I was in the right place at the right time and I was ready.
Chris Klug
This image is really lovely, and nice timing.
Faye White
Looks like a great place to visit.
Monte Stevens
I had a mocha and a chocolate chip cookie then watched the two men put on their game faces.
Not the first time these two old friends have played here I’d say. At least that’s the feeling this wonderful photo gives me. The gentleman on the left looks resigned to the fact that the move is not so good for him. A fine shot Monte and it looks like a wonderful place to enjoy.
Monte Stevens
Yes, they meet once a week and game is called Go. They were very talkative until the game started then they put on their game faces.
What a great shot, Monte. This has a lot of feeling and familiarity in it. I like the movement of the hand and the concentration on both of the faces.
Monte Stevens
Thanks, Paul. It’s one of those “buy your coffee and be there” shots.
Great pic. Norman Rockwell feel to it.