As I mentioned in my last post I had open heart surgery on Dec 5th. All went well during surgery, that was a piece of cake, but the recovery is not for the faint of heart. The valve is 21mm piece of cow and I have no idea what part of the cow. My hospital stay of 4-5 days became 9 days due to a couple of hiccups. I had a mild stroke on my left side but all is good now with no side effects. I also had retention after removing the catheter which added a couple of days. On Wednesday, a week after surgery my heart went into AFIB which extended my stay one more day.
Good to be home but do not have much energy. Doctors tell me to expect that for about 2 months. I’m finding out how little patience I have.
I cannot say enough for the nursing staff of the cardio ICU and the cardio RU. Awesome people who dedicate themselves to keepin people alive. I can also say that about the surgery staff. I was impressed when they all walked into my room the morning I left and signed the heart shaped coughing pillow for my sternum.
Thanks for prayers and thoughts and I wish everyone a Merry Christmas.
So good to hear from you, Monte, and a very Merry Christmas to you!
Tom Dills
Good news, Monte (love the picture!)! I’ve thankfully not needed to make much use of medical facilities, but know that the people who work there are generally the kind of people we would want working there. Hopefully you will be able to enjoy the holidays with family and friends with a latte or three. Oh, and no bovine jokes!
Joseph Smith
So nice to hear you’re back, Monte. Morning coffee hasn’t been the same. Merry Christmas!
Mary Ann
Catching up on blogs this Christmas Day, seeing you had a little heart issue—glad to hear all is relatively good and you are healing. Keep healing Monte, I’m silent but still reading! Merry Christmas, Mary Ann
Ruth Calkin
So very glad to hear from you…that is quite an encounter. So glad to know you are finally home and resting. As I have said, let me know if I can be of any assistance in any way…..wove you!!!+
Hey, Monte. Glad to hear that you are doing well and were able to past those hiccups! Now, you’ll have time to practice your patience.
Cedric Canard
Hi Monte I only just got back after being away for a couple of weeks and had been wondering how you were going. Very pleased to hear that the op went well and that you are on the mend. I am sure you will be right as rain in no time.
All the best mate.
Best wishes on the continued recovery Monte and sorry to read of the complications. No fun at all. Resist the urge to get busy for sure. No need to rush anything.