I found these one morning last week on a drive east along Morse Road. I go out there every once in a while just to get out of the suburbs. I stopped because sunflowers are such a magnificent flower, standing tall and proud. They also remind me a young lady named Peggy who also enjoys them. I haven’t seen her in a couple of years but we do keep in touch via emails and facebook. Here’s another one for you, Peggy.
Sunflowers are some of my favorite flowers. They seem so tall and self-assured, very proud of themselves. Nice capture, Monte.
This photo seems almost 3D, adding to the already impressive presence of the sunflowers. Many years ago I planted an area with sunflowers. They grew so much, so fast, you’d swear you could see it happening hour by hour.
Monte Stevens
Did not know they grew that fast, almost sounds like corn.
From my experience, they may even grow faster then corn. 🙂