• quotes,  street photography

    A Walk Down the Alley

    Photography is the easiest art, which perhaps makes it the hardest.

    Lisette Model

    There is some amazing hidden artwork in the alleys of Old Town Fort Collins. Every so often I enjoy taking my camera down these alleys and see what images I might discover. My camera does not have to stop and pee or sniff like a dog would which makes it easy. My light on this day was soft diffused light from overcast skies. I am learning to stand before scenes like this with awe. At first I was drawn to the colors, but after a while, the intricacy of all the lines pulledme into it. I’m glad I took a walk down the alley. We awoke to a couple inches of snow and it still snowing. Again, it looks like everyone is dealing with winter conditions. Stay warm and enjoy your day!

  • Black and White,  People/Portraits,  Self-portraits

    Self-portrait Friday

    A few years ago I belonged to a photographers website called pbase. Someone on that website started a Self-portrait Friday challenge. It seemed like a good idea for a weekly project so I jumped right in. It required me to plan scenes rather than post a selfie in front of the bathroom mirror. This is one from that weekly project. I was living in Westerville Ohio at the time. I envisioned this image after seeing the street light and the mystery it created along with the brick wall in a small alley located in the older part of town. So after a bit of planning I set out to create this image. I needed the cigarettes and the lighter as props and was dumbfounded at the cost of those cigarettes. Glad I’m not a smoker anymore. Not sure this is exactly what I had in mind but it works for me even 13 years later. Here is a link to the post I made on this blog from that project but with a slightly different pose. Actually, I think I like this image better.

    I actually spent some time snooping around on pBase to see what it’s like. I saw some familiar names of photographers who are still active in that community. One is our friend Faye White, who’s blog can be found here. Hope everyone had a great weekend!

  • architecture,  Documentary/Street

    Zig Zaggy

    This image is a “zig zaggy” alley behind a building in Old Town. What you see in the center is a mural on this massive wall depicting people from the town: local celebrities, local entertainers and more. The glare distorts the mural and along with the dark shadows gives it a mysterious feel. I thought it was a good scene given to me to enjoy and hoping you would also.

  • architecture,  Documentary/Street,  shadows

    Shadow and lines

    eyes of the heart
    accepting the gift offered
    shadow and lines


    Sunny, windy afternoon walk with my camera in Old Town this past weekend. Not much time on the streets this past year, preferring to spend my time within nature. Shadow and lines was the gift received this day. It is 10 degrees this morning, overcast skies and a snowflake ❄ is seen every once in a while. Stay warm!

  • architecture,  Black and White,  Cityscapes/Urban,  doors

    Doors in Alleys

    “Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow, it empties today of its strength.” Corrie Ten Boom

    Doors found in the back alley of Old Town Fort Collins. I’d venture to say this morning that there does not exist a street photographer that does not have at least a hundred images, maybe thousands, of doors in alleys.