• Cityscapes/Urban,  Humor,  lifestyles

    Valve Job

    No, this is not my valve
    No, this is not my valve

    Today they will pop the hood and do the valve job. At pre-op last week I learned that this morning I will have a tube down my nose, a tube down my throat, and a catheter inserted. Sounds like fun, huh!

    Today I am grateful for life, what I’ve accomplished and all I still dream of accomplishing, my family and friends, and each new lease on life. Hopefully this surgery with offer me another lease. If so, then I believe my task will be to use the coming years to the fullest, whatever that may be.

    The new aortic valve will look different than the one pictured above and definitely be much smaller. The valves are usually made of pig or cow, somehow. The doctors have chosen to use one made from a cow which has an expected lifetime of 15-20 years, about 5 more than a pig.

     I have really not had much worry but every once in awhile a feeling of fear arises then subsides. The surgery does not bother me as much as the recovery. Probably not going to be posting much for a while but will get back on line as soon as I’m able. Thanks for being a part of my life!