• Arapaho Bend Natural Area,  landscape,  natural areas,  poems,  poetry,  quotes,  sunrises,  writing/reading

    Whoever that may be

    In the late summer season of life, I found
    authors, guides, and teachers who have made me
    aware of the gift of my wandering soul and spirit
    within my own inner landscape.

    With no knowledge of an inner landscape
    I went seeking in the enticing outer landscape
    yet this wandering soul and spirit of mine
    was never satisfied, never fulfilled, always lost

    Now in my winter season of life
    my soul and spirit wander my inner landscape
    seeking the Unknowable,
    that source of life,
    Whatever and
    Whoever that may be.


    I’ll end this with a thought from C.G. Jung, suggesting that our wandering has and is the thirst of our being for wholeness, expressed in medieval language: the union with God.

  • Art/Design,  spirituality

    I Miss My Books



    I miss my books. They are in storage back in Colorado, collecting dust. I’ve enjoyed reading books over the past few years. Books can refresh the mind. When we read a book we individually draw up the scenes and create characters as only we can do. I’ve bought and read books on spirituality, personal growth, enneagrams, religions and of  course photography. I’ve learned to read back over these books every once in a while as they seem to go through a editing process since I last read them. Very seldom do I read novels, usually one or two a year, that’s all. I have a few favorite authors who have helped me along life’s journey and in a way have become my friends. Their books adorn my book shelves. Sure miss my books. I may have to wander in to the library or book store today.