“Every human is an artist. The dream of your life is to make beautiful art.”
Don Miguel Ruiz
Morning Shadows
Thursday’s Lunch
Yesterday morning began with overcast skies, a heavy fog and a light mist. I was able to take a few images of some of the weather conditions but my favorite image of the day was yet to come. My oldest daughter and I had scheduled to meet for lunch a couple weeks ago. By the time we met for lunch the clouds had begun to break up and sunlight would peak in and out. We were able to have a table near a window and talk about our enjoyment of the fall season. After lunch we enjoyed a latte, rather than a dessert, and continued our conversation. I could not help but notice the diffused light from the window as it accentuated how beautiful a woman she is. So, I asked if I could take her photo and now proudly share it with you.
Learning to let go
We let go of what we have been told to believe about ourselves. We listen to a different voice, one that comes to us from deep within our own soul. That is the voice of love. It is the spirit telling us we are worthy and that we can overcome our problems, even if those problems seem as overwhelming as darkness.
Steven CharlestonI believe Charleston is correct because over time I am learning to let go of what I was told about myself, what I told myself about myself and listen to a different voice. Some of those voices, including my own, were telling me things through a lack of understanding and knowledge while some were lies to control and manipulate. I have found it easier to tell someone “I believe in you” rather than say that to myself and believe it. However, I’m learning to listen and trust this voice of love that resides deep within me. I believe in this voice of wisdom. And, because I’m listening and trusting this voice, I’m beginning to experience life and all of creation in new and enriching ways. I see with a new set of eyes and see more each day. Life is much more beautiful when I began to understand how connected we all are in the many threads and fabrics of life we are. I wonder if love could be the thread that binds us? I kinda like this voice of love!!!
Say whatever prayers you choose….
Perhaps we should all settle down and think about what’s good in the world and what we want to do here. If we find this planet and its history and its story to be sacred, let’s preserve and nourish it, and then we can go home at night and say whatever prayers we choose.
Ursula GoodenoughAnother lovely day in Colorado. It was a brisk 30 degrees this morning but we reached a nice 65 degrees. Blue skies and sunshine dominated. I attended, and enjoyed, a brunch with a few of my high school classmates, something we will do on a monthly basis. Had a good time and of course picked from the seniors menu. Isn’t that what we’re supposed to do when you’re seniors. Later this afternoon I wandered around the pond with my camera for fall colors and soaked up the sun before it settled behind the mountains. This simple scene, through its beauty and existence, stirred something within me. It’s through these sacred experiences I feel I’m changed forever. And, my words fall short. Hope you had a good day and say whatever prayers you choose before bed.
What Life Should I Live?
What does it mean, say the words, that the earth is so beautiful? And what shall I do with it? What is the gift that I should bring to the world? What is the life I should live?
Mary OliverSomeone has planted Irises along the parking area at Pineridge Natural Area. I want to thank the beautiful soul(s) for planting them and the gift they brought to the world! Now I’m offering this image of them covered with raindrops from a nice refreshing rain. We had a nice lovely rain yesterday and can expect the same today.
Tired of my landscapes?
Seven years ago I attended a workshop in Denver on portraiture. This lovely woman was one of the two models we were able to work with. Technically I like the outcome of this image but her expression, that smile, glancing look, is what makes this image work for me. And, she’s beautiful! Anyway, I decided to post this image because I don’t want anyone thinking I only shoot distant horizons of sunrises and sunsets, or latte art or fountain pens and journals.
Nothing on the calendar