• bicycles,  Cityscapes/Urban,  Documentary/Street,  lifestyles,  quotes,  Travel

    Favorite ice cream flavor is…

    A bicycle on the streets in Richmond, Virginia

    “Until you got ice cream spilled on you, you’re not doing field work.” Randy Pausch

    This image is also from 2010 while on an overnight in Richmond. It really is a busy image. But it brings up a memory for me from just one word in the image. I’ll always remember when my granddaughter told me her favorite ice cream flavor was red. No need to argue with her. 🙂

  • Black and White,  Candid Portraits,  People/Portraits

    Crazy Thought

    One of the characters from the Renaissance Festival back in 2006

    There are days I feel fat but today I feel real fat. I have put on some weight and that is not good for someone who just had heart surgery less than a year ago. I need to lose some of it. Along with my walking for exercise I’ve gotten back on the bicycle the past couple of weeks and actually like it. The first couple days my legs were rubbery when I got off it and that has gone away.

    I had this crazy thought run through my head telling me how I’d ride more if I had a new bicycle. I looked in my records and the present hybrid bicycle I have was bought new back in July of 2002. So, I have been riding a few bikes, pursuing the perfect bike. Yet, well aware there really is no perfect bike. I’m also finding the imperfect bicycle is not cheap. Maybe I should get rid of my car and just go with the bicycle and the city bus for transportation. I’m rambling now so time to post this and go about my day.

  • lifestyles,  People/Portraits

    The Tour de Fat

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    There are some strange people in this world, but you already knew that. And, when you give them a chance to express their weirdness with the Tour de Fat, they will jump on. Tour de Fat is bike-friendly fun for the whole family. They have a parade with some really strange people, live music, sideshows, and non-profit groups combine to make a great outlet for cyclists. It blends environmental stewardship with flat-out joy. These are images from previous years. This years event is this August 31st. I may find my way downtown with my camera and spare battery.

  • bicycles,  Black and White,  Documentary/Street


    It’s about time to get back on my bicycle after a long hiatus due to lack of energy, then surgery and recovery and now the weather is getting nice again. I’m now at a local coffee shop while I have some work done on my car. Seems it needs surgery, also. This image is one of the unique bicycle racks around town. Some are truly pieces of art.

    It looks like I will have surgery on my left on May 8th then the right eye on June 4th. I had some difficulty with insurance but that is all straightened out. I will be flying to Phoenix on May 10th to celebrate my parents 70th anniversary.

  • architecture,  bicycles,  Cityscapes/Urban,  lifestyles,  snow,  sunrises,  winter scenes

    It’s Cold This Morning

    Bicyclists on Campus
    Bicyclists on Campus

    We are cold this morning, -6 at 6:49 am. The sun is shining and we have clear blue skies. I took this image of the bicyclists at about 7:30 as I walked into the Lory Student Center on campus. I find it amazing the courage they have to ride in the cold, snow and icy conditions. Not me! Young people in Colorado don’t seem to mind the cold but I do. That, or I’m a bit wiser. 🙂

    Art from tire tracks in my parking lot
    Art from tire tracks in my parking lot

    “I didn’t go to kindergarten, so I missed ‘show and tell’ when I was young. I’m making up for it now! I look for essence of the subject and try to show it in a different way, whether it’s Antarctica or a monarch butterfly…” – George Lepp

  • bicycles,  Documentary/Street,  fog,  lifestyles,  People/Portraits,  snow,  Transportation,  trees,  winter scenes

    Bicyclist on a cold morning near campus
    Bicyclist on a cold morning near campus

    Walked to a coffeehouse last week to meet a friend for a cup of coffee and their breakfast enchiladas. 🙂 The temperature was somewhere between 25 and 30 degrees  (F). I am still surprised how many people in Fort Collins ride bicycles in all sorts of weather. They just gear up for whatever nature brings on. I’m actually envious of their commitment to riding. 

  • Art/Design,  Cityscapes/Urban,  quotes


    No Bicycles
    No Bicycles

    “You don’t choose your life; it chooses you. There’s no point in asking why life has reserved certain joys or griefs, you just accept them and carry on. We can’t choose our lives, but we can decide what to do with the joys and griefs we’re given.”  — Paul Coelho