My online journal where I share my interests in photography, nature, coffee life, journaling, fountain pens, bicycling, spirituality and asking deep questions.
It is cold this morning: 22 degrees. I don’t think I’ll be going on any picnics today. The snow was wet and heavy causing some damage to a few trees. You can see in the image below the depth of the snow on the bicycles and how the smaller trees along the pond at my condo are bent over. Heavy fog this morning but is suppose to be get all the way up to 40 degrees today. Warmer tomorrow and then more snow late Friday night and into Saturday.
As I mentioned I was off line for a few days as I traveled with my sister to the Texas and Oklahoma Panhandle area for a funeral. We knew there would a storm moving through Colorado on Monday but felt it would be okay to travel. We headed home on Tuesday morning thinking we would be just fine. As you can see we discovered some very high winds and blowing, drifting snow once we entered into the southeast corner of Colorado. These conditions lasted for about a hundred miles then we had much better roads and sunny weather to travel in. We just followed two semi trucks, figuring they knew what was ahead. The Fort Collins area receive 12 inches of snow. And, of course along with that comes the colder temperatures.
Bicycling in the Cold
Yesterday morning on my walk to coffee I noticed this man riding his bicycle. That’s not anything unusual especially in a college town. What was unusual is the temperature was 1 degree. I’m layered and shivering while he pedals away. I prefer warmer riding weather. Different strokes for different folks. Stay warm.
This past Saturday was our first frost of the season. The weather gurus are predicting overnight lows down into the mid to high 30’s for the next four days. So, morning walks will be cool and brisk.
“The person who follows the crowd will usually go no further than the crowd. The person who walks alone is likely to find himself in places no one has ever seen before.” ― Albert Einstein
Bicycles are everywhere on and off campus. After taking this image and continuing my walk home I had all these silly questions come to mind. This shows you how disturbed my mind is.
First question is identifying my bike. Now where did I lock up my bike?
And when I can’t locate it, “Is this the bicycle rack or is it on the south side?”
Did someone steal it?
Oh oh! There are two with a red rim wheel on front and green rim wheel on the rear. Which one is mine?
Wait! Was mine green on the front and red on the rear? I’m confused now.
Now that’s cool. Maybe I should buy a ringer like that. Wonder where they bought it.
Now that I found it, I can’t remember the combination to the lock?
As I look at this image I wonder how do they know which one is theirs and where did they put it?