• Art,  quotes

    True Growth

    Loveland Sculpture Park – 2012

    “There is nothing more important to true growth than realizing that you are not the voice of the mind – you are the one who hears it.”

    Michael A. Singer

    Over the years I’ve become aware of the idea that I am not the voice of my mind. However, this awareness is only the beginning. Each day is an opportunity to learn more of this truth about my life. I also learn from watching others who are not who they are but believe the voice of their mind. The practice of meditation is helping me in letting go of, or identifying with, the voices and thoughts. I then can carry that practice into all areas of my life. Maybe true growth is the awareness of this and put it into action. It is a beautiful day here in Colorado. Hoping you have a wonderful day!

    I have about 10 drafts in my post sections. I either need to finish them or delete them. So you may see some posts that are not stellar writing but appear here because of my decision to rid myself of drafts. 😂

  • clouds,  gratitude,  lake,  landscape,  reflections,  sunsets,  writing/reading

    Four years ago today

    Sunset over Rigden Reservoir

    … I had my heart surgery, where they replaced my aortic valve. So, I thought I’d share my gratitude list with you today as it follows the theme of my last posting: 

      • Thankful for a healthy heart and it’s as full as it is 
      • Thankful for time with family and friends
      • Thankful for the opportunity to enjoy the things that have become such a gift in my life such as time with nature, photography, blogging, conversations with family and friends
      • Thankful for my prayer and meditation times
      • Thankful for my journals, fountain pens and the words I uncover with them
      • Thankful I can experience and enjoy each new sunrise and sunset
      • Thankful for another day to venture into a coffee shop to visit my favorite baristas
      • Thankful for the chance to read poetry, which I’d never done before
      • Thankful for the chance to try my hand at poetry, haiku
      • Thankful for the chance to create more of my photo books to share my photography and my words
      • Thankful for my home and the remodeling this past year
      • Thankful for blueberries in my Irish Oats 😂
      • Thankful for DQ Blizzards 😂
      • Thankful for my camera upgrade 2 years ago and a lust for the next upgrade 😂
      • Thankful that what I have is enough and in all honesty do not need anything more than what is already in my life
      • Thankful that there are still those who embrace love, compassion, serenity, joy, hope, peace and …. ❤️
    • journal,  journaling,  writing/reading

      A Creative Pursuit

      I’ve discovered the power words have to tell a story from my experience of journaling, reading books and writing and reading blog posts. Words have the ability to touch something within the writer and the reader. I’m seeing words as lovely seeds within each of us that make these stories. And, these stories come to fruition only when they are nurtured to life through our actions of writing them and sharing them. This blog post would not exist unless I write it and post it. Whether it’s content is good or bad is irrelevant. So at this time in my life, I’m comfortable to sit before a blank page in my journal or sit before a blank monitor and ask for words to share. It’s all a creative pursuit. Have a great week!

    • Plants,  writing/reading


      This blog allows me to express my thoughts, feelings, experiences, and what I see through my words and photographs. I enjoy sharing them. I also enjoy those who visit and leave comments. Those comments are important for me as they let me know you stopped by, what you think, and your experiences. So, thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment, or not.

    • journal,  writing/reading

      Use Words Wisely

      Words. So powerful. They can crush a heart, or heal it. They can shame a soul, or liberate it. They can shatter dreams, or energize them. They can obstruct connection, or invite it. They can create defenses, or melt them. We have to use words wisely.

      Jeff Brown

      After years of journaling I’ve come to understand the shortcomings of words to express much of what we think and experience of life. There are thousands of books written in prose and poetry in our attempt to express thoughts, ideas, concepts, feelings, or define a single word. For thousands of years man has attempted to put into words what and who God is. Some feel they have found the answer. I don’t have that same feeling. It’s a mystery!

      Since my teenage years, and maybe earlier than that, I have asked those deep questions: how was I created and why? How did it all start and why and by whom? Who is God? Is there a God? If there is a God why would God create then punish what is created? All questions I believe we cannot define or comprehend. Nor can words define the fragrance of a rose. Words fall short.

      My journaling is a collection of letters and prayers addressing questions to my deeper self, that essence of who I really am. For me the name, definition or comprehension of the word god is not as important as experiencing the reality of something Divine through nature, my journals, my meditation, all experiences in life.

      Meister Eckhart says, “God is above all a reality to be experienced from within.” I’m well aware of the inadequacy of my words to express my experiences or fully articulate the questions. What is important is asking of questions. So, through this blog and my journaling I’m learning to use words wisely.

    • musings,  writing/reading

      They’re Just My Words


      I’ve been writing in my journal over the past 20 years. My journaling has been a way to stir up my thoughts and feelings, give birth to ideas, dreams, and put them in black and white on the pages. I also find it is a tool for me to slow down from this busy life. A way to express myself.

      I believe this photoblog, both the images and writing, has also helped stir up thoughts and feelings, give birth to ideas, dreams, and put them on the internet. I enjoy the risk of sharing my images and words. It’s allowed me to connect with other photographers all over the world. And, the images and words of others has inspired and taught me so much. This blog offers a part of me through what I write and the images I post. Good or bad they’re just my words.