• musings,  People/Portraits,  silence,  street photography

    Thanks for listening…

    So this morning I needed to take my car in because it was making a noise. I dropped it off then took the bus home. It takes two bus rides and a walk halfway across campus to get home and about 45 minutes. I discovered and appreciate just how easy bicycling really is.

    Took this image on the second bus ride as we left campus.

    I feel sadness today. Found out my medical insurance did not pay as much as expected so now I owe more. The car is going to cost more than expected. This country, and the world, seems to be bent on hatred and violence, unrest and division, all of which causes finger pointing, blaming, and always perpetuating resentments. Coming to mutual solutions doesn’t seem to be on the horizon. And believing our diversity is our strength rather than a problem doesn’t seem to be part of anyone’s vision.

    But on a positive note we have beautiful blue skies and sunshine to bask in. So, once I arrived home, I let nature speak to my soul, as only she can. I sat in the warm sun, which feels almost like being hugged, and ate a refreshing orange. I watched leaves dancing with the wind and excitedly take to the air. I watched a group of Sparrows snatching insects out of the air. I listened to Blue Jays making a racket in the trees. They could be arguing but I doubt they will kill each other. And, I sit with inner silence, my journal, pen and let my breath be my prayer. Thanks for listening if you read this far.

  • blogging,  clouds,  journaling


    Scattered Clouds

    I sit up on my porch to journal as the sun and a blue sky of scattered clouds give way to predominate gray clouds. Then… a trash truck picks up one of the dumpsters and loudly shakes its contents into its hungry jaws; a dog barks it’s lonely plea for attention but their pleas are ignored, so it barks louder; a car engine starts up then is quickly overpowered by the blast of an earth shattering stereo, silence seems impossible; a screaming ambulance rushes by as it hurries to the aid of someone in need, maybe it’s silence they need; a demon possessed leaf blower starts up, eager to join in on the noise pollution parade. I find myself annoyed. I let out a silent sigh and begin taking much needed breaths. Eventually, a moment of external silence arrives, the gray clouds move on and in this silence words begin to flow. Then…

  • clouds,  landscape,  mountains,  quotes,  silence

    Meaningful Silence

    No doubt about it, silence is the beginning of wisdom as it sorts and casts out, rethinks and reclaims, plans and proceeds so that you can become your true self. As someone once wrote, “A meaningful silence is always better than meaningless words.”

    Joan Chittister

    I met my friend Eric for coffee this morning at a favorite place in Windsor. The coffee shop is a busy one and also loud. I would suspect some of it being meaningless words. The ambiance is not all that conducive to journaling or reading but I enjoy the conversation and time with Eric. I’m usually relieved to walk out the door to silence. On the way home I had a chance to stop and take in this view of the Rocky Mountains, a beautiful blue sky filled with wispy clouds, while enjoying the meaningful silence. I hope you are enjoying your weekend!

  • leaves,  love,  poems,  shadows,  snow

    … and never looks away

    A small part of our amazing winter wonderland this morning

    I stand in the midst of creation’s wheel
    And watch in wonder the quiet majesty of its turning.
    We are in the care of a love without limit or definition
    Under the protection of a love that never looks away.

    Steven Charleston

    It is Monday morning and we have fresh snow on the ground, clear blue skies and sunshine. I am grateful to be a witness to this beautiful winter wonderland. Today I am missing my mother who would have been 92 today. I also can say I miss her with a love that is without limits. Not sure I would have said that as a teenager which makes me grateful for my growing maturity. I’m also grateful for the belief that there is a caring love (and I speak of love as an action word, not a noun) that never looks away. I have experienced such love in family, friends and nature. So, I pray today for the gift of sharing with a love I’ve experienced which is without limits and never looks away. 

  • fall season,  Plants,  quotes,  seasons,  trees


    “The tree which moves some to tears of joy is in the eyes of others only a green thing that stands in the way. Some see nature all ridicule and deformity… and some scarce see nature at all. But to the eyes of the man of imagination, nature is imagination itself.”

    William Blake

    The only constant is change and this morning was a prime example. It’s all worked out and been a good day. Have new chair for my bedroom that sits looking out my bay window and will use it for my quiet times, reading and journaling. Fits my buttocks! 😂 The above photo was taken on campus this past week. Love my tree friends! Now that the leaves are mostly gone we can see where the squirrels nests are. On my walk I smiled as leaves danced along side me in the wind. I am not taking my laptop to Phoenix this week so you will have a reprieve from my blog posts for four days. Have a great week.

  • clouds,  horizons,  landscape,  mountains

    Trust Me…

    This was taken north of Rock Springs, Wyoming along US Highway 191 on my trip to West Yellowstone last month. A lot of open sagebrush, no trees and almost endless blue sky. You can see for miles and the sagebrush dominates the landscape. You may look at this and think of it as a barren and desolate place, especially if you’re from anywhere east of the Mississippi where trees abound. And when you stop to take in this view you won’t believe the silence that surrounds you. But, even though it is a rugged and harsh environment what you see is a complex of ecosystem. These sagebrush ecosystems provide important food and cover for mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians, and especially winter habitat for big game species and other wildlife. So probably somewhere in this image is a Black-footed Ferret, Great Basin Gopher Snake, White-tailed Prairie Dog, Greater Short-horned Lizard, Red-tailed hawk or Sage Thrasher. And trust me, somewhere in there is an ant or two or three…