• haiku,  Plants,  trees,  writing/reading

    Offer of Peace

    white down feather
    clings to the branch
    an offer of peace


    While sitting outside a couple days ago to journal, I notice this down goose feather clinging to a branch. Three days later it still clings tightly to the branch even as the wind blew. I wondered why it seemed to still be attached and what the feather could symbolize. As I watched it flutter in the wind I felt there was something I could write about this scene in a post. So, I took this image. Then later after a quick search I found that finding a feather can symbolize angels are watching over you or finding a white feather can be a symbol of peace. So, I pray today for white feathers of peace to descend over all of the world. The world needs it!

  • quotes,  snow,  trees

    Snow Covered Trees
    Snow Covered Trees

    “When you criticize someone, see if you are doing it out of envy. Your criticism reveals more about yourself than you realize.” Haemin Sunim

  • landscape

    Pruning in Our Lives


    Fresh Rain for the New Season
    Fresh Rain for the New Season

    Like a tree during the seasons of fall and winter, we need to be pruned of a lot of dead branches before we will be ready to bare good fruit.  The winter season has its own way of pruning itself, leaves and fruits dry up and fall to the ground. With the sun and rains of the spring and summer seasons comes the flow of new life to the seemingly dead branches and we begin to see new buds, blossoms, leaves and fruits. So it is in our lives, pruning is a necessity of our lives.