• Avian,  Canada Goose

    All I Want is Some Quiet

    Canada Geese at Riverbend Ponds

    I took this image on my walk at the Riverbend Ponds this morning. And what a glorious morning it was. However I think this goose did not have the same impression of the morning as I did. There was a lot of squawking going on and all one sided. I had to laugh as I thought through the following conversation in my head.

    Second Goose: “Stop swimming away from me. I’m not done talking to you! Do you hear me?”

    First Goose: “Am I going to have to deal with this all season? All I want is some quiet.” Sigh!

    Have a great weekend.

  • Avian,  Canada Goose,  fog,  lake,  sunrises,  trees

    Next Time

    Cold Morning on Lake Loveland

    I drove to Loveland to meet my sister for Sunday morning coffee and one of her special hugs. Sure needed the hug as my dashboard said it was 8 degrees. As I drove by Lake Loveland I was pleasantly surprised to see fog sitting above the lake. With the geese huddled up along the edge of the open water and the sun just coming up, I had to stop, take it all in and pull out my camera. This was not going to be a drive-by morning! Even though it was only 8 degrees I’m glad I stopped. And, when I got to the coffee shop my sisters hug was even more precious to me. Just after I got back in the car and started to drive away the geese lifted off. That would have been an awesome image. Next time.

  • Arapaho Bend Natural Area,  Avian,  Canada Goose,  natural areas,  sunrises

    Two Geese and a Sunrise …

    Just Before Sunrise

    … makes for the start of a good day. Even with a head cold and hacking cough I rose early yesterday and headed out to the Arapahoe Bend Nature area to greet the morning sun. I find the quiet and beauty in nature to be a healer for what ails me. I was still coughing and hacking when I got back to my condo but sure felt better.

    When asking yesterday what light people enjoyed, Paul mentioned morning and evening light. I agree and when you look back over my archives there are plenty of sunrise and sunsets shots to choose from. Being a morning person and enjoying time in nature also draws me to this time of the day. Many people are just getting up or on their way to the cubicle so not many people or traffic to deal with either. I setup my camera and tripod then took a sip of my hot chocolate when these two Canada Geese make their way into my scene. I smiled, took the images I wanted and thanked them. (Yes, I talk to birds.)

    So, the snow started yesterday and as of this morning we have about 4 inches. Have a Super Saturday!