My friend, Joan, invited me to a pizza party offered by her co-workers. Interesting idea because they have a brick wood fired oven on their back porch. They provided the pizza dough and cheese. All we needed was to provide the toppings. No anchovies!! So, we rolled these 7 inch size pizza, added your choice of sauce then laid on the toppings of your choice. The pizzas were ready in about 3-4 minutes. This is Sylvia who decided a calzone would be better. She claimed it was good although she did not share it with me. Have a great day!
One Way
Coffee Break
Discovered this young lady on break outside the Behavioral Sciences building on campus. I shot this from my hip while walking. Not bad actually. Everything is still green out here but we sure are feeling the heat and noticing some leaves are changing colors.
I attended our first annual Loveland High School class of 1968 picnic yesterday. We had our 50th last fall so instead of having a big shindig every 5 or 10 years we will try to have these picnics on an annual basis. I’ve been to all my class reunions and find it good to connect with classmates, catch up on our lives, eat, and play a few old folks games. I was one of the quiet ones in school due to my insecurity. The passing of time and a better knowledge of who I am has changed that. Also, when we take the time to talk to classmates we were not close too, we can find out how insecure they were also, the tragic lives some lived but few knew about. I highly recommend going to them.
Off to yoga class
Loved this woman’s bonnet on the bus this morning. I had to smile as she got off the bus at the health club on campus carrying her yoga pad. We have cloudy overcast skies this morning and only a small chance of rain. Hope everyone has a great day and start to the weekend.
Crazy Thought
There are days I feel fat but today I feel real fat. I have put on some weight and that is not good for someone who just had heart surgery less than a year ago. I need to lose some of it. Along with my walking for exercise I’ve gotten back on the bicycle the past couple of weeks and actually like it. The first couple days my legs were rubbery when I got off it and that has gone away.
I had this crazy thought run through my head telling me how I’d ride more if I had a new bicycle. I looked in my records and the present hybrid bicycle I have was bought new back in July of 2002. So, I have been riding a few bikes, pursuing the perfect bike. Yet, well aware there really is no perfect bike. I’m also finding the imperfect bicycle is not cheap. Maybe I should get rid of my car and just go with the bicycle and the city bus for transportation. I’m rambling now so time to post this and go about my day.
Kool Dude