• quotes,  snow,  winter scenes

    Every moment is a gift…

    Taken about 1:22 pm from my front porch

    Every moment is a gift. … Whatever life gives to you, you can respond with joy. Joy is the happiness that does not depend on what happens. It is the grateful response to the opportunity that life offers you at this moment.

    Brother David Steindl-Rast

    A light wet snow began falling about 6:14 am, our first snowfall for the 2023 winter. I was planning on meeting Eric in Windsor for coffee and conversation this morning but as I headed out of town I had second thoughts and returned home. We talked on the phone instead, which was still a good conversation.

    Weather app says 2-7 inches possible by tomorrow noon and some much colder temperatures. Those temperatures will make roads nasty. During a lull, just after noon, I stepped outside and took this image. As you can see the trees still have a few leaves and with the snow being wet I’m afraid branches will be coming down. It’s Nature’s way of pruning.

    My saga with the raccoons continues providing another opportunity for either anger or joy, my choice. I noticed they’d done more damage on Friday afternoon, tearing down another 1/3 of the insulation. So, I sprayed the remaining insulation and the firewall with a mix of water and peppermint oil last night. This afternoon when I started the car and began cleaning it off, a heck of a racket came from my engine compartment as two raccoons scrambled for their lives. Once they hit the ground they ran like crazy for the culvert. At first I felt angry to know they were back and fearful they had caused even more damage. It’s frustrating because I do not want them to cause electrical damage but also laugh at the situation. At some period of my past I may have waged war on them but I’ve come to understand waging war is not a solution. I want them to leave my car alone and they want to survive. It’s Nature’s way of survival. Anyway, I sprayed peppermint again and have decided to park my car in a different location, away from the culvert. And if that doesn’t solve it, I’m getting rid of the damn car because the car’s the problem!!! 😂

    In reference to David Steindl-Rast’s quote I must agree that every moment is a gift. It was a gift when I felt the anger then let it go. It was a gift to laugh as I watched them run like hell. It’s a gift when I can share this comical/serious situation with you. And, it’s a gift for you to hopefully laugh at my situation while being grateful it ain’t you. Think I’m gonna soak in a hot tub of water tonight before bed and look at it as a gift.

  • automobile,  desert,  Humor,  landscape,  musings,  Transportation,  writing/reading

    Senior Moment

    Taken in 2016 along Peralta Trail near Phoenix

    As I left the coffee shop this morning and walked towards my car I noticed thieves had stolen my roof racks. Then I noticed they must have felt guilty because they decided to wash my car. After gathering myself together I started to laugh when I remembered parking across the street because someone had parked in my normal spot. Same car and same color but cleaner, which was the big flag. Oh how quickly the mind creates scenarios that aren’t reality and how quickly I forget. Thankfully I still have my roof rack and the car is still dirty. This is known as a senior moment which is happening more often. But I am beginning to admit them, even here. Enjoy your Saturday!!!

  • lifestyles

    Bring it on!

    The soot and ash on the hood of my car yesterday evening at 7:00 pm.

    The Cameron Peak fire grew more than 10,000 acres in the past 24 hours. Today is going to be another hot day, adding to the fires growth. They expanded mandatory evacuations yesterday and voluntary evacuations.  I did not ride the bicycle this morning as I do not need to inhale the soot and ash, my throat already is sore. We are now placing our hope in the coming cold front and snow expected on Monday evening and into Tuesday. They are talking 3-6 inches and it will be a wet snow. It’s what we need! Bring it on!

  • Avian,  Canada Goose,  clouds,  landscape,  lifestyles

    I’m okay with a dirty car…

    Beautiful clouds in the eastern sky along Weld County Road 90

    When I’m restless it usually means I need to get out of town, so I did. I have been doing a lot of reading lately and some has been heavy stuff. I headed east to favorite spot along Weld County Road 90, turned the car off and just listened. Total quiet. Ahhh! I could feel the change within my soul. About the only sound I heard was the wind and a few Canada Geese as they passed overhead.  Healing was taking place. Seems I am needing more of the quiet and for longer periods of time.

    The roads however were muddy which means my car is now dirty. Actually, I think a car needs to be dirty and I do not say that because I’m lazy. Ironically, as I drove out there I passed one of the car washes and there must have been 20-30 cars in line. I questioned in my mind the need for them to waste good water. Yes, I’m okay with a dirty car.

    A line of Canada Geese making their way to one of the ponds or lakes near town after a day of fine dining in the fields
  • automobile,  Cityscapes/Urban,  lifestyles,  Transportation

    Watching Traffic

    Traffic on Shields
    Traffic on Shields

    I see this a lot as I await the bus. However, there is something missing in this scene that the image cannot convey, the sound. The noise pollution from traffic is quite loud with a variety of sounds, we just seldom hear them while in our cars. Sit at a bus stop and you will understand how deafening it can be. You will hear tires on the pavement, cars accelerating, squealing fan belts, loud mufflers, loud stereos, sirens, honking and an occasional swearword.

    While waiting at the bus stop I met a woman who has not had a car for the past 15 months. Guessing we are about the same age as she bought one of the senior yearly passes. She takes the bus to and from work. She has a pull cart she uses on the bus for grocery shopping. She also does some shopping online, including groceries.  She also told me of a service she uses called UBER. There are places in town where it may require changing buses to your destination as many as three times. The drivers are locals who sign up to drive people to locations using their own vehicles. It uses a free app to get a driver. So, this is an interesting concept. I am also intrigued in maybe being a driver.

  • automobile,  Documentary/Street

    Car Show


    A couple of weekends ago I came a cross a car show in Old Town. Since I had my camera with me, I walked among the vintage cars. I remembered the past, cars my friends had and also the 56′ Chevy sedan I use to own. Wished I still had it, too. Anyway, here are a few photos from the wandering.

    photocrati gallery


  • automobile,  Transportation

    Loose Screw

    Lost Screw
    Lost Screw

    “What you love is a sign from your higher self of what you are to do.” – Sanaya Romane

    Looks like a loose screw or at least a lost screw. Another one of those things we see on our walks around the neighborhood.