I’m just not a photographer who posts 12 of my favorite/popular images of the year. It seems 12 images is too small a number as I enjoyed more than that number. Lightroom shows just over 5,300 images archived for the year. Almost the same number as 2013. Over 50% of my images were taken with the Fujifilm X-E1. My peak shooting months were May and June, signifying I prefer fair weather shooting. But, the year was not just about photography.
Fulltime retirement started in March and life not the same. I’m now on a fixed income, which really is not much different than while I worked. Pay raises are only for the higher ups. I now know how much of my income was spent on the luxuries of life. I worked more for the “extra” spending money than just paying the bills. Spending on unnecessary things is what our culture throws at us on a daily basis. I learned that well. The flying was definitely taking a toll on my body as I have less trouble with my back since I stopped flying.
I travel less now that I’m not flying, staying around home more. Some of that is because I want to stay closer to home and I no longer have someone paying for a hotel room. My street photography is almost entirely focused on Fort Collins. I did make a couple of road trips in the car, taking my time driving rather than hassling with air travel. And, I spend more time in the local nature areas in Fort Collins.
My daughter and two grandchildren moved out in July so I now have my condo to myself again. I no longer need to knock on the door to use my bathroom. That also means I don’t have to close the bathroom door. And, flatulation sounds are again the norm in my kingdom. On a more serious note, I so enjoy the solitude in my life for reading and my prayer/meditation.
I picked up a carving knife and couple gouges, gifts from my dad, and have successfully not cut myself, yet. We will see where this leads me. It supports the quiet and solitude I enjoy.
I made a second Blurb book as a gift to my family for Christmas. I have about 90 images in the book from the over 60,000 images in my archives. I included a few words and thoughts of my own words and added some of my favorites. I’ve also created a portfolio book of black and white portraits. I would like to be able to shoot more portraits over the next few years.
I ate way too much fudge this season and may have to buy bigger pants. But, I did that last year. And, my New Years Eve plans: hot apple cider and reading or carving in my recliner. I’m pretty wild, ya know! Enough babbling. My wish is for everyone to have a safe New Years Eve and that the coming year bring you joy, adventure and good health! Happy New Year!