• landscape,  natural areas,  nature,  quotes,  sunsets

    Time Well Spent!

    A waxing crescent moon at sunset from the Cathy Fromme Nature Area – 1/3/2024

    “…some changes happen deep down inside of you. And the truth is, only you know about them. Maybe that’s the way it’s supposed to be.”

    Judy Blume

    I can find myself in a funk, or drifting into one, every once in a while. When that happens I need something to lift my spirits besides sitting at home reading a book or journaling so I opted for time at Cathy Fromme Prairie Nature Area and let the quiet touch my soul. Nature threw up a few clouds against the sky, offered a warm golden glow on the horizon and hung a thin waxing crescent moon above. Even though I felt the cold it was time well spent. For me, each time I enter into the presence of nature there can be a change within me: mind, body, heart and attitude. Some may notice a change in me while others will have no clue. The important thing is that I do. It’s time well spent! 

  • landscape,  natural areas,  sunsets


    All went well with the Left Heart Catheterization on Monday. I am still a bit tender around the entry point on my right wrist today but other than that it was a breeze. The good news is there are no blockages or need for stents. My heart is in good shape.

    I met with the surgeon this afternoon to see what options are available. We have a difference of opinion between the doctors. The surgeon wants to wait until my platelets numbers are back to normal before any open heart surgery. He also described a second open heart surgery, with grafting, as major surgery. He seemed reluctant to do the surgery and believes placing a valve via TAVR a better solution. What we have are two doctors seeing this from two different viewpoints. So the two will get together and discuss this more. May have word by Friday.

    Tomorrow I will have my first of four iron infusions in an attempt to bring my platelet numbers into the normal range. They will also draw blood to see what my numbers look like. It has been almost 4 weeks since they did blood work. Thanks again for your prayers and positive thoughts.

  • clouds,  landscape,  mountains,  natural areas,  prairie

    Connection to the natural world

    Cloudy afternoon at Cathy Fromme Prairie Area
    Cloudy afternoon at Cathy Fromme Prairie Area

    I needed more time away from the bustle of the city so drove out to the Cathy Fromme Prairie Area for a walk. This short grass prairie was established because of the large prairie dog community and the support it provided for coyotes, raptors and rattlesnakes. This area has never seen a plow so it remains in a pre-settlement state. They built a nice covered observatory allowing visitors to see hawks and eagles. The birds are amazing with my favorite being the Western Meadowlark and its song. A sad part was the city deciding to poison off the prairie dog community due to disease. Never the less its always a place to find a connection to the natural world for me. 

  • natural areas,  Plants

    After the Fire

    After the Fire
    After the Fire

    Last July there was a small fire at the Cathy Fromme Nature area and investigators determined it as caused by fireworks. I did not know anything about it until early fall when talking a walk out there. We made a revisit yesterday afternoon and found this image. It’s not a very appealing image but does show the devastation a fire can have. I will try and go back in a month or so to see what nature is dong in it’s recovery.

    A positive note has been the prairie dogs. The city poisoned them about 3 years ago due to a plague. Well, yesterday I could hear them barking again which meansthey are moving back into the area. One of the reasons for the nature area was to provide a habitat for them, not eliminate them.

  • clouds,  landscape,  mountains,  natural areas,  snow

    It’s May First

    Snow on Horsetooth
    Snow on Horsetooth

    And, we awoke to a third day of rain/snow mix. My weather app said it was 34 degrees at 6:00 am. Not sure how much snow they have in the mountains but I think it’s a lot. Farmers are going to love this. We have almost an inch of moisture. I took this image late this morning at Cathy Fromme Natural area. I’m pretty sure the higher mountains are white but with the cloud cover I can tell. Stay warm.