• landscape,  quotes,  reflections

    Deep Blue Fall Sky

    “Give me solitude,… give me again O Nature your primal sanities!”

    Walt Whitman

    This is a midday image of the pond near Cattail Ponds. I heard the deep croaking of the heron then watched it gracefully flying away from me. Their croaking stirred up the geese and mallards as they quickly joined in. Seems they did not want me coming too close. This is not far from the road but the solitude was what I needed, a bit of sanity. Love the deep blue fall sky.

  • clouds,  HDR,  landscape,  sunrises

    Cattail Chorus Ponds

    Tamron 17-50mm f2.8 - 17 mm f16 @ 1/60
    Sunrise at Cattail Chorus Ponds

    I had planned on sleeping in but the internal body clock went off around 4:15 am. Tossed and turned then decided to grab the camera and see what the morning sunrise would offer. The nature areas within the city provide some wonderful opportunities for quiet and wonder as the day begins. I headed for the Cattail Chorus Ponds as it’s been a while since visiting the area. A smile came across my face as a meadowlark greeted me when I stepped out of the car. As I walked to the ponds I could feel my pants getting wet from the morning dew. The last time I was out there was about four years ago so there was a lot more growth along the banks than expected. Never the less, I found a rock to sit on along the bank and take it all in. I waited and I smiled.

    This is an HDR experiment. The image was taken with my D300 and a Tamron 17-50 mm f2.8 lens. The metered exposure was at 17 mm f16 @ 1/60. It is a series of nine (9) images exposed at 1 stop, then processed in HDR Efex Pro. I chose Full Scene Compression preset and lowered the tone compression then adjusted exposure and contrast/tone in Lightroom. I would like you to let me know what you like and don’t like about the image.