• clouds,  landscape,  natural areas,  quotes,  sunsets

    A cause for celebration…

    When your mind is blown and your heart expands, your humility deepens. You become aware that the world is magical, mysterious, and heartbreaking. You know that you know nothing, really, and this is not a problem. It’s a cause for celebration. Ambiguity, paradox, and darkness are the domain of wonder.

    Mirabai Starr

    Landscape photography has taught me patience. The evening I went out to take the above sunset photograph, I went with the intention to make an evening of it. They have a rather uncomfortable rock bench along the edge of the water that I sometimes sit on. And uncomfortable is an understatement. My goal was to experience the twilight colors and take a few images as the clouds looked promising. Twilight is when the sun has dropped below the horizon and the atmosphere is neither completely dark nor fully illuminated. When clouds are present, the colors can be magical and mysterious. I arrived early, took a few photographs prior to sunset, a few photos as the sun set, and journaled. After the sunset I felt restless, wanting to head home, yet aware of how often I do not stay for the twilight show. I stayed and glad I did. I returned home with at least one image I was pleased with and again, humbled by the beauty and gifts of nature. Yes, landscape photography and time within nature is teaching me patience. It’s a cause for celebration. May you have a wonderful day!

  • landscape,  natural areas,  sunrises

    The Last Sunrise

    Last sunrise for this year at Pineridge Natural Area

    A cool 20 degrees and clear skies this morning to end the year. I got up early so I could watch the predawn colors over Dixon Reservoir at Pineridge Natural Area. So beautifully quiet up there. An owl would hoot once in a while, giving notice, or warning, of their presence. I took a few photos of the subtle colors. When my hands got cold I headed to Mugs for an Old Town mocha made by Adrianna.

    I’m not much of a New Years celebration type of guy. And, I have never been one to make new year’s resolutions, probably because I’m not good at keeping them or remembering them. I’m practicing a way of life where each day is an opportunity to step over a new threshold into a world of experiences and lessons. No better gift than that! When I don’t plan tomorrow I will not be disappointed and more apt to enjoy life’s surprises! However, I may gather with friends early this evening and hopefully be sound asleep by nine. I assume that’s due to age and wisdom (those lessons learned)!! May your coming year be full of unimaginable gifts and may you and your families be healthy. Thank you for your presence and comments on my blog this past year.

  • Holidays,  Humor


    When I was younger we would always have homemade ice cream on July 4th. So, I decided it would be good to have a DQ Blizzard. Dang, they were closed. I immediately took tail spin into anxiety. In a moment of clarity I drove to Coldstones and bought the Founders Favorite. After a few minutes the anxiety receded, I got my ice cream fix, sanity returned and no one got hurt. Whew!

    Heard someone say they wish we’d change this day from independence day to interdependence day. Seems we need more of that in the world. Menu today calls for jalapeño cheddar sausages and potatoe salad. Have a great day!

  • flowers,  haiku,  Plants,  writing/reading

    Unopened Gift

    Pink tulips are making their appearance

    pointing skyward
    warm colors of new life
    unopened gift


    Found this tulip among its siblings outside the coffee shop. They were a gift that made the start to my day brighter. Then… I enjoyed my mocha.

  • journal,  quotes,  writing/reading

    Real Change

    If any order is to be brought into the chaos of the modern world, if anything is to be salvaged from the wreckage and made the foundation of a better world in the future, this can only be done by those who have attained what Eckhart attained – loss of self and surrender to God in the Soul’s Ground. It is that, and that alone, which can produce real change, because in the last analysis the world can only be changed by changing the people who live in it. 

    Cyprian Smith, The Way of Paradox

    Well, Emma said I was 37 minutes late for coffee this morning. I’ll not do that again!!! All kidding aside, I did sleep in late and arrived later than usual. And, her mocha tasted just just fine. I meet some friends at noon today and then been invited to a spring equinox celebration of Storytelling/Song/Poetry. I’ve never been to anything like this. I know three of the poets today so I will go see what it’s like.