• coffee life,  fountain pens,  journal


    A chai latte, blank pages and fountain pen full of ink

    The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.

    Albert Einstein

    I like the Arboretum coffee shop because it is quiet. Its ambiance seems to be more directed towards students who study and reminds me of the Lory Student Center on campus. They do play music, but it’s very low in volume and easy listening music. It is also an enjoyable two mile bicycle ride for me along Spring Creek Trail. Even though I am not a college student, I still consider myself to be a student of life. Hopefully, I will always have curiosity, inviting me to keep asking the questions.

  • clouds,  landscape,  natural areas,  Pineridge Natural Area,  quotes,  sunrises

    Showing up…

    “When we show up to make art, we need to get still enough to hear what wants to be expressed through us, and then we need to step out of the way and let it. We must be willing to abide in a space of not knowing before we can settle into knowing.”

    Mirabai Starr

    They are predicting snow by midday so I made my way to Pineridge Natural Area in hopes of predawn red skies. I bundled up, made myself a chai and headed up there. We just never know what will be given. Thankfully nature provided the scene, the colors, the clouds, the cold, the wind and I showed up to be a part of it. I bracketed this shot and chose the image that was underexposed by one stop to draw out the colors in the sky. Now sitting at Starry Night enjoying a mocha latte made by Douglas to add to this day. Hope everyone has a great day! It’s starting out beautiful here!

  • grass,  landscape,  natural areas,  Plants,  Reservoir Ridge Natural Area,  seasons,  snow,  winter scenes

    Two Chipotle Peppers

    Light snow at Reservoir Ridge Natural Area – March of 2022

    I put on a crockpot of chicken tortilla soup early this morning. As I was putting it together I decided to put in two chipotle peppers in adobo sauce 🌶️ rather than one as it seems like that kind of day. It is lightly snowing and 5 degrees at the moment, 2 degrees colder than when I got up. It is a day to curl up in my chair, wrapped up in a blanket, a hot chai tea latte beside me, do a bit of reading and journaling then have a bowl of soup later. Planning on filing taxes later today and putting that $153 return into my savings account. Should bring my account balance up to about $156. 😂 Stay warm!! Stay dry!! And, have a super Awesome day!!

  • coffee life,  journal,  landscape,  natural areas,  Pineridge Natural Area,  sunrises,  writing/reading

    A nap is on the schedule

    Arrived a half hour before sunrise. No clouds to be seen but instead a dirty brown haze from the forest fires sits on the horizon. As I watch the bright orange globe break the horizon I realize we’ve not seen the high mountains in the west for several days now as they are shrouded in the haze. Hoping we will see them soon.

    My mind was active last night so it was a short night of sleep. I blame it on a caffeine and sugar intake about 2:00 pm and a mind that chased almost every thought with some commentary. A nap is on the schedule for today. 😁

  • grass,  gratitude,  landscape,  natural areas,  Pineridge Natural Area,  Plants,  sunrises

    No One Got Hurt

    This is today’s sunrise at Pineridge Natural Area. It looks to be a hot day, reaching 100 degrees. Had a couple of hiccups yesterday so sorry if this post sounds a bit whinny. Promise, it won’t take long.

    I dropped off my car at 6:30 to have the oil changed. I then walked to a coffee shop to meet a friend. I was already at the coffee shop, one I seldom patronize, when he called to let me know he was at ER after falling and dislocating his shoulder. He’s going to be okay.

    Since I was already at the coffee shop I ordered an iced chai, falsely believing that would make things better. Well it was probably the worst chai latte I’ve ever had. Dumped it all. I noticed a feeling of frustration within because plans were not going as planned. 😁

    It was now about 11:00 am. I walked back to the repair shop, buying a sandwich from the local Starbucks on the way. It was horrible. What’s wrong with my tastebuds? ☹️

    When I arrived at the repair shop I discovered there was a mixup. When I dropped off the car I placed the keys in the wrong place. They were not able to work on the car until I let them know where the keys were. Thus we were about 4 hours behind my scheduled plans. Then the Uber driver delivering my air filter got lost which delayed things. I did not get my car until 5:00 pm. Partly my error and partly theirs. However, everyone kept their kool. 😳

    Next, I was to meet a friend about 6:45 pm. All went well with that plan. Felt gratitude and we even chuckled about each others day!

    I realized before going to bed that after my morning prayer and meditation time, I did not start my day at one of my natural areas. I made sure to remedy that this morning. 😍 Anyway, all is okay as no one got hurt yesterday. Have a great day!

  • clouds,  gratitude,  landscape,  sunrises

    A Grateful Heart

    [ngg src=”galleries” ids=”77″ display=”basic_slideshow”]

    Today is my 71st birthday and this is how I started the day. I awoke early, just before 4:00 am, wide awake. Made a trip to the bathroom which is something we do more often when we reach this age. Got up at 4:01 am, had my quiet time, made a chai latte and headed to Weld County along County Roads 90 and 13.

    The slideshow is a series of images as the morning progressed. You can click on the slideshow for a larger image and manually walk through the images. Nature gave me the most wonderful birthday gift with beautiful clouds, a colorful sunrise and a chorus of meadowlarks. I was surrounded and immersed in creation. Spending time in nature is our real home, as John Muir suggests. I have a full and grateful heart.

  • coffee life,  fountain pens,  journal,  writing/reading

    We need the moisture…

    I was surprised to not see snow on the ground this morning. Yet the weather app says it’s still coming. Rain is now falling on the eastern plains but nothing along the Front Range, yet. I slept in late so my day has felt a bit behind. Journal time with my chai latte after quiet time is how I started this Saturday morning. Hoping you all have a great weekend. We need the moisture!

    Update: 11:29 am – It is now snowing.

  • haiku,  landscape,  natural areas,  sunrises,  writing/reading

    Pre-dawn Pallette

    Predawn colors at Pineridge Natural Area taken back in January

    predawn palette…
    awaiting the new day
    cloudless sky


    I awoke early, had quiet time, made a chai latte then headed to the nature area. Robins were singing their spring love songs. Magpies chatting atop a barren tree with buds just beginning to appear. A half dozen mule deer grazed along the Viewpoint Spur trail, ears always perked and alert. A couple cottontails chasing one another and making me laugh. It was rather quiet, one of my favorite sounds. It is overcast as a weather system moves our way bringing much needed moisture in the form of rain and snow over the next three days. Have a great day!