Had the honor of shooting some portraits of 17 month old twins on Monday. I love how the inquisitive mind of this young lady is checking everything out. She was fascinated by the eagle then discovered the water left from an earlier sprinkling of the garden. And, had almost no interest in me.
Looking with Awe and Wonder
Looking with Awe and Wonder Wow, this is Christmas week! I must admit I’ve not had much of a Christmas spirit so far this season but that shifted some on Saturday evening. My good friend , Joan, and I made a visit to the Garden of Lights which is put on by the Gardens at Spring Creek. It is a wonderful way to excite all of us children at heart. Joan and I enjoyed walking along with a smile as we listened to the children “ooh” and “aah” or their excitement when they saw Santa or the reindeer. The Gardens had Christmas carolers and a magician. The young girls in the above image are enthralled as they get a look into Santa’s workshop. I think all of us kids had a good time. I know Joan and I did. In fact it lifted my spirits a bit. Have a great week!
Enjoying the weather
Party weekend in Old Town while we still have nice weather I took this on Saturday afternoon. I’ve had a cold since Thursday so I needed to get out of the house. Saturday evening was CSU’s Homecoming so there were a lot of people in Old Town. That meant a lot of people were from out of town for the game, grabbing a beer and burger before the game and a bit of shopping. It was perfect football weather with nary a cloud in the sky. However, the young man running around in the fountain had no concern about any silly football game as he was focused solidly on his time chasing the bubbling fountains. Every once in awhile he would let out a squeal of joy because he almost caught one, whatever that meant to him, and that motivated him to try it again. Mom and dad stood to the side and watched, with grins.
We’ve had wonderful weather the last 5 days. Today and tomorrow are expected to be in the high to mid 70’s. But the high for Thursday is only gonna be 32 degrees with a nighttime low of 18 degrees and snow. So, we’re enjoying the weather while we can!
Kool Dude
I took this image back in 2009 at Inniswood Gardens. I do not remember the details but you have to admit this is one kool dude. -
Brother in Sync
Brothers in Sync On Fathers Day I spent time with my daughters in-laws. Needless to say, I ate way too much. Matt’s twin brother and his family were out from Chicago. Matt has to two boys and his brother has four for a total of six young boys. Grandma wanted to buy the boys bib-overalls, in memory of her dad who wore them all the time, so photos were taken. During the chaos of pulling together all six boys I happen to catch this image of two brothers. The pose and identical clothes just made this a special image for me.
“Fix all your attention on your own path, and do not imitate others. Your life is unique, and your karma is yours alone.” Taisen Deshimaru
Coffee With a Friend
I met my friend Pat at Bindles Coffee yesterday morning. It had been a while since we had coffee and conversation. We usually catch up on our lives, the kids and grand kids and show photos. I consider her a good friend for many years. We agreed we need to meet more often, and will.
While we were there these three young guys came in with their mother. Each had an apple with big bites in each of them. I consider that a good thing. Thanks for meeting up with me, Pat, and enjoy your week off. See you in a couple weeks.
Just Before the Crash
End of a long day Children are awesome! We can learn much from them if we take the time to observe and remain teachable. But, that’s for some other post. Anyway, I came across this image while looking for another image. This little gal and her mother were enjoying some together time at a local coffeehouse. Not sure but it seems to me like her very full day is about to hit a wall, sugar and all. Her mom allowed me to take this image just before the crash. Hope you have a great day.
Infectious Smile