• clouds,  landscape,  quotes,  silence,  sunsets

    Stocked with chocolate…

    Colorado sunset – March 2020

    If we listen from the mind of silence, every birdsong and every whispering of the pine branches in the wind will speak to us.

    Thich Nhat Hanh

    I had an enjoyable bicycle ride to coffee but had to face a stiff wind on the way home as a cold front moves in. Snow expected later today and into the night with frigid temperatures over the next few day. Looks very similar to the whole nations forecast. Stay warm, stock the fire and enjoy the weekend. And, make sure your stocked with chocolate!

    And today is special because my dad is celebrating his 96th birthday!! I love you! ❤️

  • landscape,  natural areas,  Pineridge Natural Area,  quotes


    “Each person is a special gift of God to the world. His or her life is designed by God to make a difference in how the world is. That influence on the world will come by the person getting in touch with her or his inner life and making a gift of that inner life to others.”

    The Enneagram: A Journey of Self Discovery

    Took this image a couple weeks ago and just now got around to posting it. I do love the blue in Dixon Reservoir and those waves left by the geese.

    I did some study about 25 years ago on the Enneagram and found it interesting as well as helpful. There are several approaches to using it. My purpose was to understand my compulsive behavior and learn how to change those. It runs along the line of the Myer-Briggs personality types. I happened to pick up one of my books this past week and read back through some stuff and thus the quote. I like the idea that a person can make a gift of their inner life to others. The world needs more of that!

    Met my friend Eric for our Saturday morning coffee and conversation. I find it a good way to start my weekend but it is also a good close to our week. The drive is calming when I take the backroads. It is expected to be a warm spring day. Already up to 68 degrees. So, I’ve already had a chai latte, met with Eric, and a Dove’s dark chocolate. Pretty good day so far! I am grateful.

  • leaves,  quotes


    But now I’ll have to go, for there is nothing to spare in the way of provisions. I’ll surely be back, however, surely I’ll be back. No other place has ever so overwhelmingly attracted me as this hospitable, Godful wilderness.

    John Muir

    I discovered a new word in some of John Muir’s writings, called “Godful.” At first I thought it was a play on the word grateful but then realized it’s his way of expressing the presence of God in all of nature. Some people may say these brown, orange and red leaves are dying with the autumn frost but I’m not so sure. Just maybe, as I’ve heard it said, they are just flowing through the current of life and those wonderful colors are a way of expressing their excitement in the new phase of life? Maybe the colors express Joy? Happiness? Could their colors and the frost be the expression of that word “Godful?” Well, I have no factual answer to any of those questions and a thousand other questions like them. However, as I experience and see the divine presence in nature I am drawn more and more to the idea of nature expressing itself to us. “Godful” I like that word.

    We have blue skies, sunshine and it’s cold. 🥶 Stay warm if it’s cold where you are and have a wonderful day! If there is a stupid rule that you can’t have a piece of chocolate cake before noon, I just broke it. 😂

  • Food,  gratitude,  writing/reading

    Grateful for…

    This mornings avocado toast at Mugs

    … the breath of life, family, friends, sobriety, journaling, photography, nature, coffee shops, solitude, quiet, prayer, meditation, books, serenity, courage, an open mind, willingness, avocado toast, chocolate and …


    I would like to invite all who read this post to add to this short list above those things which you are grateful for. You do not need to add them in the comments necessarily but maybe find a piece of paper and write them down as you go through the day. Sunshine and blue skies here. Happy Monday!

  • clouds,  landscape,  Mary Oliver,  natural areas,  Pineridge Natural Area,  quotes,  sunrises

    A little rougher made…

    This morning’s predawn sky over Dixon Reservoir

    “Sometimes I think, were I just a little rougher made, I would go altogether to the woods—to my work entirely, and solitude, a few friends, books, my dogs, all things peaceful, ready for meditation and industry—if for no other reason than to escape the heart-jamming damages and discouragements of the worlds mean spirits. But, no use. Even the most solitudinous of us is communal by habit, and indeed by commitment to the bravest of our dreams, which is to make a moral world. The whirlwind of human behavior is not to be set aside.”

    Mary Oliver

    When I feel the heart-jamming damages and discouragements of the worlds mean spirits, I too wish to run to the woods, or in my case the natural areas. I would also include my journals, fountain pens, camera and chocolate to her list. Yet, I’m aware of my need to not set aside but live within the whirlwind of human behavior. Who knows, I could be someone else’s whirlwind. However, there are those times when I need to go the woods and connect with nature just so I can return and face the whirlwind of human behavior. Maybe I also need to be a little rougher made. Hope you had a good day.

  • Software

    Here’s what I did

    Had an issue with Lightroom not seeing or reading my new 64Gb SD cards. Took a while but figured out what was going on. All SD cards 64Gb andlarger will be formatted in exFAT rather than FAT32. So, on my Macbook Pro I needed to change the setting in System Preferences. Here is what I did.

    Quit Lightroom.
    Opened System Preferences
    Select Security & Privacy
    Select tab Privacy and scroll down the left side list to “Files and Folders”
    Then make sure the option for ‘Removable Volumes’, Downloads Folder’ and ‘Documents Folder’ boxes are checked. You may have to unlock the padlock.
    Exit out and restart Lightroom Classic.

    Snowflakes are appearing as I post this. We are not expected to see much today or tomorrow but Friday and into Saturday could bring heavy snow day for us out here. Made a run to the store this morning and stocked up on chocolate, peanut butter, Irish Oats, cashews and toilet paper. 😁 I’ll keep you informed of the weather.