“The greatest compliment that was ever paid me was when someone asked me what I thought, and attended to my answer.” Henry David Thoreau
A Little Patience
Once I saw this street scene I knew I needed to be patient for the right person to walk into the view finder and complete the image.
Making a Splash
This is not a technically well done image but because it has a powerful message, it speaks volumes to me.
This child is enjoying life, living it as it should be lived. She is experiencing life and at the same time is learning what happens when you jump in puddles of water. I love it! I was amazed at her focus, oblivious to all that was around her. The child within her, and is also within us, was fully alive. Some where along life we lose some of the childlike curiosity, thinking adults must not act in certain ways. I ask, why not?
I also like how her parents, whose feet you see in the background, are letting her splash. As a grandparent I’ve come to enjoy the experience of watching children play and even joined in. I’m reminded of a time I climbed up on a slide behind my oldest grandson. When we reached the top and he noticed I’d followed him, he told me too big grandpa. I answered, “Oh, yeah! Watch this.” and down the slide I went, more than once. Why don’t we encourage others to splash more?