• clouds,  landscape,  quotes

    Focus On Life

    “… the more clearly we can focus our attention on the wonders and realities of the universe about us the less taste we shall have for the destruction of our race.”

    Rachel Carson

    This was taken last month at Cobb Lake SWA, another favorite place to just spend time. One reason is the offering of an amazing view of the mountains and our Colorado clouds. I find it a place where my soul can listen to the wonder of nature’s voice. I usually leave here with a clearer focus on life and a better outlook on people. This morning it is cold and the skies are overcast. I’ve already had morning coffee and included a pastry with it. 😍 Will read today, journal, get in a walk and meet friends on a Zoom meeting later. Have a wonderful Monday!

  • quotes,  shadows,  sunsets

    Sacred by Our Participation

    Sunset shadows at Cobb State Wildlife Area a few days ago

    “… we will recover our sense of wonder and our sense of the sacred only if we appreciate the universe beyond ourselves as a revelatory experience of that numinous presence whence all things came into being. Indeed, the universe is the primary sacred reality. We become sacred by our participation in this more sublime dimension of the world about us.”

    Thomas Berry

    I upgraded the fonts plugin so I could change the title font and size. Whadda ya think?

  • mountains,  quotes,  sunsets

    I just take ’em

    God makes the pictures, I just take ’em.

    Ed H. Urqhardt

    With an almost cloudless sky on Friday evening I wanted to try for a blue sky sunset taken from the eastern plains. I drove to Cobb State Wildlife Area. I watched and photographed a lovely sunset but the sky was not the blue I wanted due to a prescribed burn near Red Feather Lakes. On my way home I stopped and took this image to show the fire. You can see the smoke rising from the mountains on the right side of the image. Even though it was a small fire it filled the sky with its ugly gray/brown color. Yet, I cannot be disappointed because I was given this image, just as it is. Or, as the quote says, I just take ’em.

  • clouds,  gratitude,  landscape,  sunsets

    Yes, giving thanks…

    Friday evening’s sunset at Cobb Lake State Wildlife Area

    At the end of the day, give up your worries and give thanks for the journey.

    Ben Vereen

    It is another beautiful day here in Colorado. Just finished a busy morning with cardiac rehab and an echocardiogram. Good news is the new aortic valve is working just fine. Hope everyone is thankful they remembered where they hid all the eggs!

  • clouds,  landscape,  Plants,  sunsets,  trees

    End of a beautiful day…

    I made a drive out to Cobb Lake State Wildlife Area yesterday evening to enjoy the sunset. We had such a beautiful day. I also got in a nice bicycle ride as I work on getting my legs back into some sort of physical condition to ride. A meadowlark was perched in this small tree when I arrived singing my favorite song. To my left, out of view, there was a concert going with the geese and ducks on Cobb Lake. While a group of ducks had a second concert on the smaller lake just to the right of center. I thanked them for the free concerts. After sunset the days cool breeze quickly became a cold wind so I headed for home. I so enjoyed the end of a beautiful day…

  • landscape,  quotes,  sunsets

    Living Each Day

    What lies before us today is an unpainted picture.


    Stopped at the Cobb Lake State Wildlife Area while driving around the other evening. It was quiet and calm so I listened and took a few photos. I have never hiked these trails but will need to explore them soon.

    It’s a brisk 33 degrees this morning and a beautiful full moon. Hope you have a great day!