Love is the only sane and satisfactory answer to the problem of human existence.
Erich Fromm
… alive to everything
For any writer who wants to keep a journal, be alive to everything, not just to what you’re feeling, but also to your pets, to flowers, to what you’re reading.
Mary SartonIn all honesty I enjoy my efforts of journaling my thoughts, my feelings, as well as what I see around me. The practice helps me learn more about both. Interestingly, just taking the journal and pen out of my backpack helps me to really look at the gift of the world around me. Same thing happens when I take my camera out. So, as with photography, my attempts at putting in words how I see the world around me has helped me to see the world around me, with new perspectives. And lastly, I have a desire to be alive to everything and not just glance at the world around me, taking it for granted. Hoping you have a wonderful day!
It was different
I went to Mugs at CSU late yesterday morning. This is probably the coffee shop I visit the most but something was different. The ambience was not the same as when I normally go. I’m sure you’re all aware that going camping in the same tent at the same location as last week is not he same if you throw in a mosquito. Don’t get me wrong Mugs is still a favorite coffee shop. So is camping. But something was different.
They say ambience is a feeling or mood associated with a particular place, person, or thing. So what are the factors that go into the feel of a coffee shop that draw me in or out? Warning: If you don’t like lists then now may be a good time to stop reading and go eat another chocolate eclair. If you’re a glutton for punishment or need to verify my insanity, then read on.
Here are some factors that are important and some that are insignificant that I came up with for me. The time of day, the day of the week, the weather outside, temperature both inside and outside, the season, the baristas, the customers, the piped music. I also notice the decor, the seating, is it crowded or spacious.
The food: do they serve pastries, sandwiches, burritos, salads, chocolate eclairs (a winner every time). This morning they were cooking up bacon. Love the smell of cooking bacon! The drink: is my mocha latte hot enough, meet my taste buds preference? Does my mug dribble? Important stuff here!
The biggest factor is me: what’s my attitude, how rested am I, where’s my emotional and spiritual condition, are my pants too tight (due to pastries)? Did I come to write or read? How well did the barista and I connect when I came in?
And, I must confess that I’ve left coffee shops because the ambience was just not what I wanted or needed. I will end with this. I know there is no perfect coffee shop. And, if there was then I wouldn’t go or it would not be perfect anymore!! See, I am insane! Happy Sunday!
New mugs at Mugs
They have these new mugs at Mugs which they placed in the very middle of the entryway so I had to walk around them, slowly, each time I came in the door. Something about the color that caught my attention. Something about the shape that caught my attention. I was able to hold off the compulsion to buy one for about two weeks, then…
Sadly, I really don’t enjoy it. Its’ shape does not fit in my car console, nor does the shape fit in my backpack sleeve. But, I must admit the shape is nice to hold in my hand. The lip is designed so that it dribbles and runs down the side of the cup and onto my shirt. So I need to be careful when drinking from it. However, my mocha latte tastes fine in it. My consumer mind causing me to think I needed one, but didn’t. The one I have works fine. Sigh! Have a great weekend!
Anyone else …
… still looking for the perfect camera bag?
A quick google search for “perfect camera bag” gives me 118,000,000 hits. There is always someone suggesting the best camera bag for travel, backpacking, street photography, weddings and so forth. But I’m afraid we are all going to be disappointed because there ain’t one.
Daily, I normally carry a camera with a lens attached, a journal, my fountain pens, a kindle paperwhite, sometimes a book, a smartphone, spare battery and SD cards. I seldom carry my 13″ Macbook Pro anymore. If’n I’m going to the coffee shop with the above then all I need is camera bag A or A1 or A2. If’n I’m going to a natural area for nature photos then a camera body with two lens and binoculars are what I need and fits in camera bag B, or B1 or B2 or B3. Maybe what I need is a bag that morphs into what I want for that day. I just put in what I’m going to carry for the day and it shapes itself to my needs. And all for only $49. Or maybe I need to give up. But I’m still looking. Sigh!
… knowing we belong
A generous heart is always open, always ready to receive our going and coming. In the midst of such love we need never fear abandonment. This is the most precious gift true love offers – the experience of knowing we always belong.
bell hooks -
A nap is on the schedule
Arrived a half hour before sunrise. No clouds to be seen but instead a dirty brown haze from the forest fires sits on the horizon. As I watch the bright orange globe break the horizon I realize we’ve not seen the high mountains in the west for several days now as they are shrouded in the haze. Hoping we will see them soon.
My mind was active last night so it was a short night of sleep. I blame it on a caffeine and sugar intake about 2:00 pm and a mind that chased almost every thought with some commentary. A nap is on the schedule for today.
Today’s Gifts
I start my day with quiet time
before planning the tasks ahead
and now a mocha at a favorite shop.Always have my camera, my journal,
my fountain pens and now-a-days
the needed reading glasses.I write to start the day slowly
not rushing blindly forward or the
day cannot be lived to its fullest.I write to find words that help
lead me one step at a time for
words that become today’s gifts.