• Candid Portraits,  coffee shops,  lifestyles

    Making His Move

    Making his move

    Near our hotel in Albany, NY is a small coffee shop called Professor Java’s Coffee Sanctuary. I’ve made two visits and enjoyed my experience both times. The coffee is good and the sandwiches are top-notch. The ambiance is what I liked the most. They have converted an older home into this sanctuary so we have three separate rooms, each with its own feel. I noticed these two gentlemen ordering their coffees and setting up a table to play their game. This was the image liked best. I had taken a couple of images and then just watched through the view finder in anticipation of one of the men to make his move. When he did I pressed the shutter. This was also taken at ISO 3200.

  • coffee shops,  lifestyles

    They tolerate me…

    Cupcake and Latte

    I have friends who know I’m a photographer and still like me or maybe that should be tolerate me. Case in point is the above image of Lisa’s cupcake and latte. I didn’t eat it or ask to eat it but I asked to take a few shots of it. She tolerates me.

  • Candid Portraits,  coffee shops

    Coffee and Conversation

    Coffee and Conversation

    As most of you know from reading my posts I do enjoy spending time (and too much money) in coffee shops and I have some favorite places I patronize on a regular basis. There is something communal about these shops. I like walking in to a coffee shop and having the barista call you by name or query you as to why you weren’t in yesterday. Or, to have other coffee patrons start up conversations about their sons basketball game or test grades. Community is a good word.

    They are also places for meetings. Lots of business meetings take place here. First dates. Last dates. Meeting a friend you haven’t seen on the last 10 months. I noticed this couple one morning last week and asked if I could take a few images. I wanted the silhouette effect to show their conversation and yet not let their identity be known. Some good coffee and conversation.

  • Art/Design,  Photography

    I can wait, maybe…

    Lamp and Shadows

    Here’s my story. So, I leave the coffee shop after a small mocha latte and a half cup of coffee. I knew I should use the restroom before I leave but because I was in a hurry I decided against it. (Did you notice all the “I’s” in that sentence? Sometimes it’s not such a good idea to listen to a caffeinated person.) Anyway, traffic back to the apartment was no problem but the beautiful sunshine was. I walk into the apartment and discovered the room filled with bright sunlight. Now we’ve just had gray skies and rain for the last 2 days so I am a bit excited. All I can see is the sunlight coming in on the lamp and casting its shadow on the wall. I tell myself I can wait! I imagine it was comical to watch me dance in the middle of the living room, grabbing my camera out of my bag and firing off a dozen shots and chimping to make sure there are not blown highlights. Got it! I put the camera down and off the to restroom I go. Oh, the decisions a photographer makes when good light appears. Anyone else have to make tough decisions like that?

  • People/Portraits

    Caught up with family and friends

    Yours truly
    Yours truly

    Have been busy over the past three days as I catch up with family and friends. It’s been a year since I was back in Colorado. I’ve tried to see as many as possible and have done pretty good but way short of my goals. Seems like there is ususally never enough time to see everyone. As an example, yesterday I met Teri at 8:00, Larry at 9:30, Pat at noon then Tim and Julie at 3:00. After that I take the car back to Wayne and Kay, then I’m back at my sisters for the night and head for home early in the morning.

    This is not actually a self portrait but one image Larry took with my camera as we attempted to catch up on the past year. He is a good friend and an avid photographer. Still primarily a film shooter, 4×5, and just purchased an 8×10.