• journal,  journaling,  writing/reading

    A Creative Pursuit

    I’ve discovered the power words have to tell a story from my experience of journaling, reading books and writing and reading blog posts. Words have the ability to touch something within the writer and the reader. I’m seeing words as lovely seeds within each of us that make these stories. And, these stories come to fruition only when they are nurtured to life through our actions of writing them and sharing them. This blog post would not exist unless I write it and post it. Whether it’s content is good or bad is irrelevant. So at this time in my life, I’m comfortable to sit before a blank page in my journal or sit before a blank monitor and ask for words to share. It’s all a creative pursuit. Have a great week!

  • Plants,  writing/reading


    This blog allows me to express my thoughts, feelings, experiences, and what I see through my words and photographs. I enjoy sharing them. I also enjoy those who visit and leave comments. Those comments are important for me as they let me know you stopped by, what you think, and your experiences. So, thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment, or not.