• clouds,  quotes,  sunrises

    Sacred Conversations

    A touch of pink over CSU campus just before sunrise

    Imagine how different life would be right now if Christianity could become a place for sacred conversations; a place to explore possibilities and express doubts and disagree and encourage voices on the edges.

    Victoria Loorz

    I was told yesterday I have a very active social life.
    But maybe it’s really a multitude of sacred conversations.

  • clouds,  landscape,  musings,  sunrises

    Just a touch of pink…

    I enjoyed my ride this morning to the coffee shop. It was cool and crisp at about 47 degrees but not cold. I find these rides to be invigorating, actually beginning to look forward to them. No traffic to deal with and parking is a breeze. I enjoyed my coffee conversations this morning with Jeff, Curtis, Shawn, Terry and Adrianna, which always seems to make the coffee taste better.

    A touch of pink over CSU campus this morning

    I journaled this morning about how short life is, aware mine gets shorter each day, each breath. I do not know when my heart will beat its last beat, but I am at a place of acceptance when that moment comes. And that acceptance includes finding myself waking each morning with gratitude, looking forward to the possibilities of the day. What photo will be given? Who will I share a conversation with? What lesson(s) can I learn today? What words will I find on the pages of my journal? Will I be present to experience feelings of gratitude, love, fear, serenity, anger, sadness, and other emotions that make me human? These remind me of Mary Oliver’s question asking us how we will live this one wild and precious life given to us? I will not have an answer until I reflect back on my day when I lay my head on my pillow tonight. But, I must say my day has been rich and fulfilling already and it’s not finished.

  • bicycle rides,  bicycling,  natural areas

    It was on the way…

    It’s been a quiet Labor Day for me and hope you have enjoyed your day. I began the day with an Old Town Mocha and wonderful conversation with Jeff at Mugs. About mid morning I took a nice ride along Spring Creek Trail and Poudre Trail. I rode 23.4 miles and returned with tender buttocks. The trails were busy as people were out enjoying the weather before the cooler fall temperatures move in over the next few weeks. This image is one of 5 small ponds along the Spring Creek Trail on the east side of town and part of the Cattail Chorus Natural Area. Just behind these trees is the Poudre River and the 12.3 miles of hard-surface trail which follows the Poudre River from North Overland Trail to East Drake Road and connects to CSU Environmental Learning Center. About a half mile from this location I connect up with the Poudre Trail. After the ride I treated myself with a Turtle Pecan Cluster Blizzard at Dairy Queen. After all, it was on the way.

  • coffee life,  fountain pens,  journal

    Words for this Blog

    I find this coffee life I live to be an interesting way of observing people. Arriving just as they open is usually the quiet time, it’s easier to journal or read before the busyness that moves in an hour later and people watching increases. The din rises with conversations and laughter. I watch friends meet and exchange hugs. I watch as people stand in front of the brewed coffees and have to make that early morning decision of dark or light roast coffee. I hear the blender crunch away as someone’s smoothie is being made. The bicycle rack begins to fill up. I jot down notes of what I see in my journal, knowing they may be words for this blog.

    In the morning I will have a broken tooth surgically removed. I will probably be in some pain so don’t expect me respond to comments or read your blog until Saturday. Prayers and vibes to the universe are welcomed!

  • Candid Portraits,  coffee life,  musings

    Sunday Smiles

    Smiles… they are the simplest gift we can offer the world. There is an unending supply within each one of us. Each one is unique, no two are alike! They can be repeatedly given throughout our day. They are extremely contagious. They are free with no monetary value placed on them. They are not to be hidden but need/must to be set free, released, given, and received.

    They lift the spirit of both the giver and receiver. They may unknowingly offer healing to anyone who may be silently suffering. They are a sign of our inner joy and happiness, that life is good. And they can be an invitation to return a smile, begin a conversation or make eye contact. They break down all barriers that separate, isolate or reject. They express what words may not be able to say. They enhance our external and internal attractiveness and beauty. And, in my world, smiles are what keep me returning to coffee shops! Seems the world would be at a better place if each of us offered more smiles. We for sure will feel better!!! Thanks to my baristas, Keera and Emma!!

  • landscape,  natural areas,  Pineridge Natural Area,  quotes


    “Each person is a special gift of God to the world. His or her life is designed by God to make a difference in how the world is. That influence on the world will come by the person getting in touch with her or his inner life and making a gift of that inner life to others.”

    The Enneagram: A Journey of Self Discovery

    Took this image a couple weeks ago and just now got around to posting it. I do love the blue in Dixon Reservoir and those waves left by the geese.

    I did some study about 25 years ago on the Enneagram and found it interesting as well as helpful. There are several approaches to using it. My purpose was to understand my compulsive behavior and learn how to change those. It runs along the line of the Myer-Briggs personality types. I happened to pick up one of my books this past week and read back through some stuff and thus the quote. I like the idea that a person can make a gift of their inner life to others. The world needs more of that!

    Met my friend Eric for our Saturday morning coffee and conversation. I find it a good way to start my weekend but it is also a good close to our week. The drive is calming when I take the backroads. It is expected to be a warm spring day. Already up to 68 degrees. So, I’ve already had a chai latte, met with Eric, and a Dove’s dark chocolate. Pretty good day so far! I am grateful.

  • clouds,  landscape,  sunrises

    The Silo

    Come forth into the light of things, Let Nature be your teacher.

    William Wordsworth

    Drove to Windsor this morning to meet Eric for coffee and conversation. Always a good way to start my Saturday. The dark clouds overhead seemed ready to burst with rain at any time. There was a break along the eastern horizon and seemed to suggest I needed to stop. I watched the sun slowly rise, wanting to play hide and seek behind the clouds. The sun’s radiance causes a silhouette of the silo on the distant sheep farm. I intentionally underexposed to reduce the sun’s brightness and to add a mysterious feel. I like how it turned out. Rain is expected throughout the morning along with high winds of 35-55 mph and gusts up to 75 mph. Looks like it will be a “hang on to your hat” and “put the patio furniture away” kinda day. Enjoy your Saturday!

  • coffee life,  fountain pens,  journal,  writing/reading

    It has me thinking…

    Accepting time for coffee and journaling

    Somewhere in the past I read where we do not make images but receive them. That has resonated with me every since. And, I often reference that idea in some of my blog posts. I’ve personally heard myself give thanks when I have finished a photo session of a sunrise because I do feel I’ve received some kind of gift. Could be the romantic in me. Anyway, I also just read where someone suggests our transition from an agricultural society to an industrial society has shifted our vocabulary and thinking so that we talk about making rather than growing.1Let Your Life Speak by Parker J Palmer, page 97 Something else for me ponder. Just listen to how we speak: we make time, make love, make memories, make a photo, make money, make a living. I have caught myself saying I need to make time when in reality I can’t make time but I can set aside time for coffee and journaling. Anyway, it has me thinking/pondering about how I use the word make. When I think about it, it would make a great conversation over coffee. Gotta make time for that!!! 😂