Spent some time in Old Town this past weekend. Found this bright room and couch. Ya couldn’t miss it!
My online journal where I share my interests in photography, nature, coffee life, journaling, fountain pens, bicycling, spirituality and asking deep questions.
Today is a special Friday for Colorado State University students, it’s the last day of classes. Some had finals yesterday while most of them will taking them today. Graduation ceremonies will be going on over the weekend. Proud parents will be all over the place. Forget about going to a restaurant. Of course, the parties follow graduation.
Living just six blocks off of campus has it’s perks and its down side. Nearby are a ton of fast food restaurants, small mom and pop restaurants, laundry places, and the popular pizza and beer joints. The down side is the noisy and busy streets and trash. At the end of any school term you find all sorts of furniture being given away: free. Freshmen could do well if they roamed around this time of the year and picked some bargains. Probably have a couple cigarette burns and beer stains. Anyway I found this on my walk this morning.