• poems,  shadows,  winter scenes

    How Well We Love

    When all is said and done,
    The only true measure of our lives
    Is how well we loved.
    How well we gave love, received love, shared love,
    Protected love, created love.

    Nothing else will matter when our turn comes
    To make the final journey—
    Only the love we were will linger.
    Only love will still speak our name
    In the hearts of those we embraced.

    We were made to love, you and I,
    Made so by the author of love
    Made in the image of love to be the love we are.

    Steven Charleston, Spirit Wheel

    We had a light dusting of silent snowfall during the night. However, along with the snow comes the cold temperatures, 23 degrees. I made my way to the coffee shop for an Old Town Mocha made by Winter. It was rather quiet in there this morning. People must have slept in. I drove around the CSU Oval on the way home and snapped this photo for the blog. Hope you have a wonderful Superbowl Sunday.

  • bicycling,  fall season,  leaves

    Sunday Turkey Trot

    Fallen leaves at the CSU Oval

    My ride to coffee this morning was an enjoyable 10.1 mile round trip. It was 38 degrees by the time I headed out the door, at 6:40 am. I’m enjoying riding enough that the cold has not deterred me from getting out there. Bundling up along with the exercise are a couple of good things for my health. Colors are still vivid in many places which brings on a smile. As leaves were falling like gold and yellow snowflakes it reminded me that it won’t be long and white snowflakes will replace them.

    Mallards on Spring Creek

    I stopped to spend some time at the small concrete dam and gate area along Spring Creek. The water was smooth, blues skies reflected in the water and I had the time to stop. Three mallards felt the need to get in the image so I let them.

    Sunday Turkey Trot on Spring Creek Trail

    Most Sunday mornings I will encounter walkers, their dogs and bicyclists, all using these wonderful hard surface trails. This morning I needed to stop because a bunch of turkeys were taking their time as they trotted cross the bike trail. They seemed to think it was all theirs. So I let all 13 in the group have the right of way. About 1:00 pm they wandered across my front yard, which is about 2 miles from where I took this image. I’ve never seen them this far in town. Do you suppose they are looking for a place to hide? Hope you had a good Sunday!

  • bicycle rides,  quotes

    Bring it on…

    CSU Oval

    “I’ll be more enthusiastic about encouraging thinking outside the box when there’s evidence of any thinking going on inside it.”

    Terry Pratchett

    Snow fell in the high country over the weekend which probably elevated the heart rate on a few snow skiers. As predicated this morning was the coldest morning this season. So, I bundled up and enjoyed my bicycle ride to coffee and conversation. I am grateful that this last two hundred yards of my ride are through this CSU Oval which leads me directly to Mugs at CSU. We are expecting beautiful weather the rest of this week!

  • quotes,  street photography

    Lost in the mist…

    “Mystery surrounds every deep experience of the human heart: the deeper we go into the heart’s darkness or its light, the closer we get to the ultimate mystery of God.”

    Parker J Palmer

    I see scenes like this quite often on my walk across the CSU Oval. The back lit light of the sprinklers always grabs my attention. So, I stopped for a couple of images. I find mystery in this image because it includes the cyclist, lost in the mist, riding on the sidewalk down the center of the oval as if they were within the spray. The wind continues to blow this morning, so my hair is a mess, but we have clear skies and sunshine. I am happy to see more and more green. The semester is over, finals are done and most students have headed home. Hope you have a wonderful day.

  • Plants,  shadows,  snow,  trees,  winter scenes

    The Oval’s Shadows

    Shadows at the CSU Oval

    A bit warmer this morning at 14 degrees but still cold enough. Blue skies and sunshine predicted for today and maybe 43 degrees. Made my way to Mugs for an Old Town Moch made by the lovely Emma. Always a good start to my day. As I left the coffee shop I noticed the shadows stretching across the CSU Oval and felt compelled to pull into the parking area for a quick photo. The trees encircling the Oval and lining the inner sidewalks are all American elms. Many of the trees date from the 1880s and 1920s. There are 99 elms circling the Oval and lining its walkways. Some of the trees are 80 to 90 feet high, with roots that are one-and-a-half times their height. Many of the large elm trees that circle Oval Drive were planted in 1922, as 1-inch saplings, and until 1924, the center Oval was an alfalfa and grain field. In 1925, a grass lawn was planted. It was interesting to research the history of the trees and the oval this morning. I now have a bit more connection to them and those early morning shadows they offer. Have a wonderful Sunday!

  • fog,  landscape,  quotes,  street photography

    More Gratitude

    “The friend who can be silent with us in a moment of despair or confusion, who can stay with us in an hour of grief and bereavement, who can tolerate not knowing… not healing, not curing… that is a friend who cares.”

    Henri Nouwen

    Thankfully, I had the best night of sleep in three weeks. 😊 Awoke to a lovely fog which is not as prevalent in our area as they are in the east. This is taken at the CSU Oval near one of my favorite coffee shops about 10:00. It has a feeling of mystery to it. The sun burned off the fog about 11:00 am offering us blue skies and sunshine. I am in a much better place today with life. It is easy to awfulize the future which is what I was doing yesterday. I find myself with more gratitude today. Hope you have a great day! In reference to the quote, I pray to be that kind of friend.

  • fall season,  landscape,  Plants,  seasons,  snow,  street photography,  trees

    First Snowfall of the Year

    CSU Oval

    According to DIA we had our first measurable snowfall yesterday and through the night. They showed 4.5 inches at the airport while Fort Collins had maybe an inch. Still lovely and refreshing. Roads are clear so I easily made it to the coffee shop. As expected a few regulars there braving the weather on their bicycles. Not me! The sun was shining brightly by 9:00 am which allowed the more hardy souls to shed their jackets. Not me! I tell you this white stuff sure pulls out the fall colors.

    I received word this morning that my cousin, Kevin, died of a heart attack yesterday evening. No details on a service but if anyway possible I would like to attend. So, I could be making a road trip to the panhandle of Texas.

  • landscape,  Plants,  quotes,  seasons,  snow,  trees,  winter scenes

    Condition of Being Human

    CSU Oval this morning

    “Compassion asks us to go where it hurts, to enter into the places of pain, to share in brokenness, fear, confusion, and anguish. Compassion challenges us to cry out with those in misery, to mourn with those who are lonely, to weep with those in tears. Compassion requires us to be weak with the weak, vulnerable with the vulnerable, and powerless with the powerless. Compassion means full immersion in the condition of being human.”

    Henri J.M. Nouwen

    It’s snowing again this morning. If you look closely you’ll see a bicyclist pedaling across campus to their class. Weather app says it’s 14 degrees with 17 mph winds and feels like -2 degrees. With these weather conditions maybe we could say the bicyclist is super human.

    Anyway, I thought the quote represents something the political and social powers of the world need to understand more about, actually experience themselves. Stay warm!!!!