• Candid Portraits,  Family,  Portraits

    Thursday’s Lunch


    Yesterday morning began with overcast skies, a heavy fog and a light mist. I was able to take a few images of some of the weather conditions but my favorite image of the day was yet to come. My oldest daughter and I had scheduled to meet for lunch a couple weeks ago. By the time we met for lunch the clouds had begun to break up and sunlight would peak in and out. We were able to have a table near a window and talk about our enjoyment of the fall season. After lunch we enjoyed a latte, rather than a dessert, and continued our conversation. I could not help but notice the diffused light from the window as it accentuated how beautiful a woman she is. So, I asked if I could take her photo and now proudly share it with you.

  • Dewdrops,  leaves,  poems

    Happy Halloween!

    Leaves outside the coffee shop

    Let me embrace each dawn as gift.
    Let me walk the hours of day unafraid
    With grace and faith unbounded.

    Let evening find me close to those I love
    Warming my soul by the fires of their laughter.

    Let me sleep believing tomorrow will be a blessing.

    Steven Charleston, Spirit Wheel

    We had our first snowfall last night. I awoke to a heavy fog and mist this morning. There was a dusting of snow on rooftops and frost on windshields. I agree each morning is a blessing whether a brilliant sunrise or fog and mist. And, my walk through today will include lunch with my oldest daughter, Christine, reading a new book and journaling time. Seems to be that kind of day. Happy Halloween!