• Avian,  landscape,  natural areas,  Pineridge Natural Area,  sunrises


    I had one of the best nights of sleep in awhile. My Fitbit said I had 74% of light sleep where the norm is 40-60%. Anyway I headed to Pineridge Natural Area with hopes of red and pink skies. I was pleasantly gifted with a beautiful eastern sky and warm temperatures. My car said 48 degrees at home and 61 degrees at the natural area, a distance of 4 miles. I was joined by this nice 2-point mule deer and a couple of his friends. They seemed more interested in grazing and staying alert than watching the colors. Earlier I could hear the who-who-hoo of an owl somewhere in the darkness. Lovely.

    I will be offline for a few days as I’m heading to Phoenix to spend an early Thanksgiving with my dad and sisters. This will be our first holiday without mom. Probably good for all of us be together. I leave on Wednesday and return on Monday. Hold down the fort for me. 😂

  • animals,  natural areas,  poems,  poetry,  Reservoir Ridge Natural Area,  writing/reading

    Your True Self

    A deer at Reservoir Ridge Natural Area

    “It’s not possible to save the world by trying to save it. You need to find what is genuinely yours to offer the world before you can make it a better place. Discovering your unique gift to bring to your community is your greatest opportunity and challenge. The offering of that gift — your true self — is the most you can do to love and serve the world. And it is all the world needs.”

    Thomas Berry
  • fall season,  landscape,  natural areas,  trees

    More Bluer Skies

    Starburst on a beautiful fall afternoon.
    Starburst on a beautiful fall afternoon.

    This pat weekend was lovely. Afternoon temperatures reaching the mid 60’s and nighttime temperatures down to freezing. The cold nights and humidity brought frost to everything in the morning. Saturday morning included some fog where I could not see across the pond.

  • animals,  Humor,  natural areas

    Put it on the list

    Whitetail Buck
    Whitetail Buck

    If you look closely you will see a nice whitetail buck staring directly at you. I came upon him while he was bedded down in the trees just to the left. All I had with me was my Fujifilm X-E1 and the 18-55mm lens. It’s not the lens for reaching out to capture wildlife images. Off to the right side was his harem of 4 does. There was a time when I thought a harem was what I needed but once reality set in, those fantasies are long gone. 🙂

    Even though I’m quite happy with this camera and lens, this image reignited a wish to have more focal length than the 55mm. What I want is an image stabilized 12-400mm zoom with a variable aperture of f1.2 to f2.8 and only weight 12 ounces. I’d even settle for a cheaper, and lighter, version at a fixed f4.0. So, I’m putting it on my Christmas list, right below the new underwear. Always need new underwear. So, I guess I still have fantasies, they’ve just shifted a bit.

  • animals,  Metro Parks

    White-tail Deer

    White-tail Buck
    White-tail Buck

    After a delicious salmon Christmas dinner and it was such a beautiful day I took a walk in Blendon Woods Park. I came across this white-tail deer on the path leading to Thoreau Lake. He was quite a ways off and the longest focal length I had was 200mm, I gave it a try. It is surprising how long they will stand and watch you.