• clouds,  landscape,  mountains,  natural areas,  Travel

    The Wanderer

    Clouds are nature’s way of asking us to pay attention to the art it creates

    “The wanderer is one who gives priority to the duties of longing over belonging. No abode is fixed. No one place is allowed finally to corner or claim the wanderer. A new horizon always calls. The wanderer is committed to the adventure of seeing new places and discovering new things.”

    John O’Donohue, Eternal Echoes

    I’ve had the bug to travel for many years. I’ve shared stories about my travels before on this blog and talked about some of the travel I still want to do. I would like to write more about it, maybe finding some clarity, sorta like talking it through. I’m not sure I’ll be able express my desires and dreams about travel or if I even have enough understanding  on what those are. There is a part of me that relates to the wanderer John O’Donohue writes about in the above quote.

    Some of my travel history includes touring on a motorcycle and  road trips in my car while camping along the road. I’ve also spent seven years living in hotels working and living a nomadic life as flight attendant. And, photography has been a integral part of each of those adventures. I’ve very much enjoyed each of those adventures. But there’s still a yearning for more.

    So over the next few days or weeks I want to share some ideas and questions I have that run through my head. I know some of you have traveled or are traveling so there is experience among my readers. I welcome any and all comments, even if you think I’m insane.