• Dewdrops,  leaves,  poems

    Happy Halloween!

    Leaves outside the coffee shop

    Let me embrace each dawn as gift.
    Let me walk the hours of day unafraid
    With grace and faith unbounded.

    Let evening find me close to those I love
    Warming my soul by the fires of their laughter.

    Let me sleep believing tomorrow will be a blessing.

    Steven Charleston, Spirit Wheel

    We had our first snowfall last night. I awoke to a heavy fog and mist this morning. There was a dusting of snow on rooftops and frost on windshields. I agree each morning is a blessing whether a brilliant sunrise or fog and mist. And, my walk through today will include lunch with my oldest daughter, Christine, reading a new book and journaling time. Seems to be that kind of day. Happy Halloween!

  • leaves,  quotes


    For all the great thoughts I have read
    For all the deep books I have studied
    None has brought me near to spirit
    Than a walk beneath shimmering leaves.

    Steven Charleston, Spirit Wheel

    My walks over the past few days have been cooler and wet. The much needed moisture and a break from the heat is welcomed. I love walking in nature especially when green leaves are covered in dew from the mist. I was awakened during the night as thunder shook my room and rain tapped on my windows. I did not sleep well after that. This morning has been sunny but more storms later this afternoon. I also got in a nice bicycle ride while the weather was good. I will attend a friends retirement party this afternoon and probably overeat, again. Suspect a nap after that!! Enjoy your weekend!

  • leaves,  Plants,  quotes

    Things are wet

    You must live in the present, launch yourself on every wave, find your eternity in each moment. Fools stand on their island of opportunities and look toward another land. There is no other land; there is no other life but this.

    Henry David Thoreau

    Things are wet. And, because of that photo opportunities were everywhere. So, I took my camera with me to get the mail yesterday afternoon. And by doing that I stayed present as I’ve learned there is no other life but this. No mail but I did return with a few images that depict our weather condition. Even has a tinge of fall to it.

    So I had an enjoyable, serene, quiet time of prayer and meditation this morning. Then a half hour later burst out in profanity at my phone. Shows I am a work in progress. It is a cold, humid, and misty morning. It’s the perfect morning for an Old Town Mocha at Mugs and made by my barista, Emily. Have a wonderful Friday!

  • Dewdrops,  flowers,  Plants,  quotes

    Through the dewdrops

    “One discovers the light in darkness, that is what darkness is for; but everything in our lives depends on how we bear the light”

    James Baldwin

    We had our first frost of the season last night which meant I had to scrape frost from the windshield. But, these brisk mornings have a way of waking you up or at least perking you up. We had 33 degrees at 6:15 am and blue skies so far. I did not have a good nights sleep as my mind kept wanting to live tomorrow rather than relax and let my body rest. Could be a nap on my agenda this afternoon. This image was taken Wednesday morning on my way to meet Mark for breakfast. These flowers were outside the restaurant and I loved how they were bearing the light through the dewdrops. Enjoy your Saturday!

  • Dewdrops,  Plants

    The beauty in small things

    Met Eric for coffee and conversation this morning, both were excellent. The rain/mist we’ve had all morning seems to have drawn people to the coffee shop. Baristas were busy and the din was up from normal. Good thing for the owners but does reduce the ability to hear. It’s also one of those days to take the time and notice the beauty in small things all around us. Hope you have a great day!

  • Dewdrops,  gratitude,  leaves,  Plants,  quotes

    Dewdrop Ornaments

    “A mystic is anyone who has a gnawing suspicion that the apparent discord, brokenness, contradiction, and discontinuities that assault us every day might conceal a hidden unity.”

    Krista Tippett

    A light drizzle began falling this morning then changed to a wet snow. It stopped at about noon. It has been overcast and gray all day. I can easily see why people can feel down or depressed on days like this. I have felt its effect. I also feel a bit down as I have a friend who is in ICU from a heart attack and another one who has gone into hospice. It has been a struggle to accept where I’m at now in life and the weather and news have not helped.

    Yet, I watch as this precious moisture creates “dewdrop ornaments” that glisten and sparkle with the wind on the juniper outside my bedroom window. Nature is always offering us something to enjoy and so simple. I smile and am grateful.

  • fall season,  leaves,  Plants,  quotes,  seasons

    Beautiful Nature

    Maple leaves from 2006

    “Nature is beautiful because it looks like Art; and Art can only be called beautiful if we are conscious of it as Art while yet it looks like Nature.”

    Immanuel Kant

    It was 23 degrees this morning at 7:02 am as I left the condo. Snow then began falling around 8:00 am. Intermittently big flakes then soft delicate snowflakes. I sat in my bedroom looking out the bay window as the artist created. It is lovely to my soul. It is also bringing much needed moisture to our thirsty soil. I checked the temperature about 2:16 pm and it said we’re still at 23 degrees but feels like 17 degrees. I’ll agree and it will only get colder! It’s expected to snow all night. I know the image does not depict the weather here but it is beautiful art made by nature. And, this is a second post about the beauty of nature.

    I finished a couple of blurb books that I’ve been working on for awhile. I ordered one each for a look-see copy today. Nothing fancy but small 7×7 size and on subjects I like, Twilight and Journaling. They are for me and will go on my bookshelf.

    I tested negative this morning for covid as I was exposed again this past Sunday. 👍