My online journal where I share my interests in photography, nature, coffee life, journaling, fountain pens, bicycling, spirituality and asking deep questions.
[ngg src=”galleries” ids=”67″ display=”basic_slideshow”]I was not going to choose and post my 2019 favorites but here it is. My criteria I have used is about the emotion they emit for me: I like them. So, what did my camera find in it’s view finder? I have noticed there are not as many candid portraits in this group but one of them was of Santa and his pickup truck. There are images from a couple of new coffee shops I found. And, of course there are the bus rides, Old Town street scenes and campus images as I used the bus system a lot in 2019. Plants and flowers still catch my eye and of course the sunrises and sunsets from the local nature areas. All the images are local except one from Colorado Springs.
Hope the coming year of 2020 is full of happiness, joy and wonderful adventures.
I believe nature can create visual art that brings pleasure to my soul. I’ll even say it creates art that touches all of the senses; smell, touch, visual, audible and taste. Could it be that nature is the ultimate artist? As Mary Oliver ask do I participate as an artist with nature in loving it, respecting it, protecting it?
“I beg you, to have patience with everything unresolved in your heart and to try to love the questions themselves as if they were locked rooms or books written in a very foreign language. Don’t search for the answers, which could not be given to you now, because you would not be able to live them. And the point is to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps then, someday far in the future, you will gradually, without even noticing it, live your way into the answer.”
Rainer Maria Rilke
While living in the Westerville, Ohio area I was exposed to nature areas that were so different from my home state of Colorado. I was enthralled with all the green, the insects , the soft diffused light and the amount of rain. I was not used to all the rain and for sure had to adjust to the overcast skies. I cans still in my memory recall the distinct fragrance these forested areas offered, telling me how alive they were.
At the time I was traveling 3-4 days then home for 3-4 days. These extended days off gave me the opportunity to explore the Metro Parks in around the Westerville area. I found two parks within about 10 minutes of my apartment so I ventured into those worlds on regular basis. One was Inniswood Gardens and the other was Blendon Woods. And, the days I was traveling were opportunities to explore new cities, peoples, cultures and almost unlimited photo opportunities. It was during this time I feel I began to grow emotionally and spiritually which in turn allowed my view of the world to grow. And, this emotional and spiritual growth was the seed to the growth of my photography.
I have been absent from the internet for over a week as I finish working on some health issues. I’ve struggled with BPH for 20 years and things are now coming to a head. Spent an evening in ER last weekend and am now walking around with a catheter until RALSP surgery which I will have in two weeks from today. Hopefully this will improve the quality of my life.
Same feathers the next morning
Life is always changing and I think these two images present nature creating new art each second. It never ends!
We had a nice rain for the past 24 hours. Refreshing. I discovered this image on my way to the coffee shop this morning. It was shot in jpeg and loaded into an online photo editing tool called Polarr using a Chromebook. I did no editing but saved it as a jpeg file for the web. I’m just learning some of what it can do. It’s layout reminds me of Lightroom.