“Every human is an artist. The dream of your life is to make beautiful art.”
Don Miguel Ruiz
Beyond the Horizon
“Some people close their eyes to the horizons; some people sit and watch the horizons; some visit the horizons and some incredible people go beyond the horizons!”
Mehmet Murat ildanAs a photographer I am fascinated with horizons. I find something powerful in seeing an open, vast, and inviting horizon. And over the past 20 years I have been fascinated with the horizons we have in our lives, and for the same reasons. For me these horizons can be dreams we’ve carried for many years or one we had last night. They could be a vision or goal we’ve discovered. Maybe it’s a new relationship in our life or re-establishing a damaged one. And, what about a new challenge in life we need to face. These are only a few that quickly come to mind but I’m sure you can add to the list. What I pray for is that we be one of those incredible ones who moves beyond the horizons.
Entertaining a Thought
“It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.”
AristotleMy ability to dream and fantasize goes way back. I could create a whole world in my head and stay there for hours simply by saying, “let’s pretend,” even when that was subconscious. I believe it’s an essential part of our young lives but there is a point where we cease pretending and begin living in the reality of life. Some of us do that sooner than others. I put myself in the later category. I’ve become aware of when to entertain thoughts without accepting them and let them go. Progress, as they say. Having said that I still find myself entertaining a thought just as this young lady seems to be doing but not accepting it as reality. Hope you had a good Monday!
“Yes: I am a dreamer. For a dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world.”
Oscar WildeSeem to be taking more predawn images because I am regularly waking early, my mind wandering, so I get up and begin the day. I slept well until about 4:00 am then half awake until I got out of bed. During these periods my mind becomes active with fantasizing and planning, rather than being in a dream state. May need a nap today.
Anyway, here is this mornings predawn from Pineridge Natural Area.