I had an invigorating ride in the fog this morning to meet Jeff for coffee. About 10:00 am I drove to the Arapaho Bend Natural Area and then over to the Environmental Learning Center. I needed to take my camera for a walk and did that at the ELC. I had not been to the ELC in a while and was shocked. Everything seemed so bleak to me, dead trees were down everywhere. It’s usually lush, green and vibrant. The last time I was there was there in June of 2023. I settled in for a walk of the Wilcox Trail, about 1.5 mile loop. By the time I headed home for lunch, I had seen seven eagles, two hawks, and a dozen whitetail deer. So I enjoyed my bicycle ride, my mocha, my conversation with Jeff and my walk in nature.
Everything is better now
For those of you who slept through the announcement or didn’t get the email, it’s National Donut Day . I must confess I missed it and had to be reminded by my sister in a text message. And since I didn’t want to carry around that guilt all day I felt the need to buy a donut once I got to the coffee shop. So, I’ll carry that guilt around all day. 😁 Everything is better now!!
The clouds were putting on quite the show for us this morning. I personally don’t want to miss anymore opportunities to see them, life is too short. We also had rain during the night and light rain was falling when I got out of bed. I took this image on my way to the area around Arapaho Bend Natural Area and the Environmental Learning Center. A few years ago there was a cement plant just to the right of this scene, and noisey. I personally believe this is a much better view. Seems the birds think so also as I had barn swallows flying all around me, geese on the water’s edge and on the water, meadowlarks and robins singing to the world. I’ve had the gift of seeing eagles there earlier this spring. Anyway, Happy Donut (Doughnut) Day!
“Wisdom tends to grow in proportion to one’s awareness of one’s ignorance.”
Anthony de MelloFrom an afternoon walk at the Environmental Learning Center earlier this month.
Definitely needed to clean my lens. 😏 -
Walking the Path
This is from yesterday afternoon on a walk at the Environmental Learning Center along the Poudre River. I go there for the quiet, probably not often enough. I found three young people who had strung hammocks among a grove of trees, were playing music and staring at their phones. We were not using the ELC I read earlier in the day that we do not seek silence as much as we are to be silence. I like that idea and will need to ponder that for awhile, in silence. You”ll find the reading below.
Storm clouds filled the sky to the south and west but no rain. Teh clouds and a cool breeze made it almost a perfect temperature. Loved the musty smell of the woods and all the birds singing. The Poudre River was full and running hard from the spring runoff. I was glad to see few mosquitos or flies.
“Perhaps for the first time we have a limited sense of what it means to be silence, instead of actively seeking or longing for the silence we think we lack and trying to make space for silence in our lives, as if this silence were not already silence but some sort of object to be sought and found.” Martin Laird
After the Storm
We had dark ominous clouds move through Fort Collins this past Wednesday afternoon. I drove to the east side of town near the Environmental Learning Center to watch the clouds, the lightening strikes and thunder. Yet, not one drop of rain as the storm headed south and east for the plains. They got plenty of rain. I love the show nature puts on.
Each day of life is a gift. However, today is a bit more more special as it is my parents 69th wedding anniversary. 🙂 I love you two!
- Black and White, Cityscapes/Urban, clouds, Documentary/Street, flowers, lake, landscape, leaves, mountains, natural areas, Plants, prairie, sunsets, trees
Happy New Year
[ngg_images source=”galleries” container_ids=”61″ display_type=”photocrati-nextgen_basic_slideshow” gallery_width=”680″ gallery_height=”420″ cycle_effect=”fade” cycle_interval=”4″ show_thumbnail_link=”1″ thumbnail_link_text=”[Show thumbnails]” order_by=”sortorder” order_direction=”ASC” returns=”included” maximum_entity_count=”500″]Here are a dozen images from 2017 that I liked. Happy New Year and hope the coming year is full of good things for you.
More Bluer Skies
Starburst on a beautiful fall afternoon. This pat weekend was lovely. Afternoon temperatures reaching the mid 60’s and nighttime temperatures down to freezing. The cold nights and humidity brought frost to everything in the morning. Saturday morning included some fog where I could not see across the pond.
Blue Skies Over Poudre River