• clouds,  landscape,  natural areas,  quotes,  sunsets

    A cause for celebration…

    When your mind is blown and your heart expands, your humility deepens. You become aware that the world is magical, mysterious, and heartbreaking. You know that you know nothing, really, and this is not a problem. It’s a cause for celebration. Ambiguity, paradox, and darkness are the domain of wonder.

    Mirabai Starr

    Landscape photography has taught me patience. The evening I went out to take the above sunset photograph, I went with the intention to make an evening of it. They have a rather uncomfortable rock bench along the edge of the water that I sometimes sit on. And uncomfortable is an understatement. My goal was to experience the twilight colors and take a few images as the clouds looked promising. Twilight is when the sun has dropped below the horizon and the atmosphere is neither completely dark nor fully illuminated. When clouds are present, the colors can be magical and mysterious. I arrived early, took a few photographs prior to sunset, a few photos as the sun set, and journaled. After the sunset I felt restless, wanting to head home, yet aware of how often I do not stay for the twilight show. I stayed and glad I did. I returned home with at least one image I was pleased with and again, humbled by the beauty and gifts of nature. Yes, landscape photography and time within nature is teaching me patience. It’s a cause for celebration. May you have a wonderful day!

  • landscape,  natural areas,  poetry,  quotes,  sunrises

    I believe…

    Pineridge Natural Area – December 2020

    I have made it through some hard times in my life.
    I imagine you have too.

    Looking back, I can honestly say
    That in more than one of those times
    I was not sure I would make it.

    The presence of a living and conscious love
    Got me through.
    I can only call it Spirit.
    So my faith is not the product of an emotional need
    Or an intellectual imagining.

    I believe because I know. Because I have been there.
    Because of my experience.

    I cannot convince others of this truth.
    I can only share it and wait to see
    The light of memory in their eyes.

    Steven Charleston

    I believe in the presence of a living and conscious love
    because I, too, have been there and experienced it.

  • fog,  landscape,  nature,  quotes

    A More Spacious World

    A cold and frost covered sunrise – October 2012

    In humility, with wisdom and compassion, we make a more spacious world, where the experience of our communion and connection has fewer barriers and becomes more possible.

    Kathleen Dowling-Singh
  • fall season,  leaves,  quotes


    When I left the condo this morning it was 36 degrees, clear skies and dry so it was a morning to bicycle to the coffee shop. A bright waning crescent moon hung in the southern darkness. The wind was blowing causing flags on campus to stand erect into the eastern sunrise and also made my bedaling tougher. The lovely Winter was my barista this morning and made me a spicy chai to start my day. A beautiful day is taking shape here in Colorado.

    “This tells me two fundamental truths: one, that in order to evolve and grow, we must be prepared to face the erosive aspects of life. Two, it’s the weathering that creates the finest landscape of our lives, shaping us and defining us over time.”

    Ruth Allen

    There is a knowing within me that I am evolving. The obstacles of life, the weathering, has shaped who I am. And, I would venture to say everything else in the universe. The weathering of my life’s storms is allowing me to experience the inner landscape of my life. Grateful for this time in my life and my inner landscape! Have a wonderful day!!!

  • leaves,  quotes,  silence

    Knowing When to Say Nothing

    Fall colors while waiting at the bus stop this morning.

    There is such a powerful eloquence in silence. True genius is knowing when to say nothing, to allow the experience, the moment itself, to carry the message, to say what needs to be said. Words are less important, less effective than feeling. When you can sit in perfect silence with someone, you truly know how to communicate.

    Richard Wagamese, Embers: One Ojibway’s Meditations

  • Plants,  quotes,  trees

    Stillness and Quiet

    Time and again, we miss out on the great treasures in our lives because we are so restless. In our minds we are always elsewhere. We are seldom in a place where we stand and in the time that is now.

    John O’Donohue

    We can discover in the latter years of our life that moments of stillness and quiet can be great friends. If we embrace these friends we can experience less restlessness and spend less time caught up in our heads, a sometimes formidable neighborhood. The less time in our heads the less likely we are to miss out on some part of the journey through life. When I can stand in the now, I can receive the great treasure of a starburst.

  • animals,  natural areas,  nature

    Those Black Eyes

    I read the other day that God finds a thousand ways to tell us that we are sought after. In many ways I’d like to believe that. And please don’t ask me to define what God is because I can’t. All I can do is share my experiences where I have moments with a something bigger than me.

    While out shooting the sunrise last week at Pineridge Natural Area I was startled by some movement at my feet. When there’s movement that close to me, I am startled because we do have rattlesnakes in the area. However, looking down, I watched this baby cottontail move closer and closer to me, seemingly a bit quizzical about me and unafraid. As I looked into those black eyes, with no words needing to be exchanged, I felt something, a connection. Was I being sought after? I went home clearly touched in some way by Nature and those gifts she offers. I’m grateful to say the God of my youth has evolved into the God I can experience today through the black eyes of a cottontail. I wonder, who sought who? Have a wonderful Monday and a great week.