• moon,  quotes,  spirituality

    I had another one…

    Last night’s moon

    “A mystic is someone who has an experience of union with The One—and The One may be God, it may be Mother Earth, it may be the cosmos. That experience is rare, but everyone has them I think, where you momentarily forget that you are a separate ego, personality, self, and you experience your interconnectedness with all that is.”

    Mirabai Starr

    Captivated by the moon on my walk last night, I grabbed my camera when I finished and took about a dozen images. I find myself standing in awe and wonder and gratitude when I experience moments like this. Something inside me agrees with Mirabai that everyone has had some mystical experience in their life. I know I’ve had those experiences in my life where I no longer needed to ask who I am or my purpose or any other question. I felt I was just where I was meant to be at that moment, maybe accepting a gift of interconnectedness. I had another one last night. Enjoy your Friday!

  • Art,  Art/Design,  Mary Oliver,  poems,  poetry,  quotes

    The Miracle of a Kiss

    If you suddenly and unexpectedly feel joy,
    don’t hesitate. Give in to it. There are plenty
    of lives and whole towns destroyed or about
    to be. We are not wise, and not very often
    kind. And much can never be redeemed.
    Still, life has some possibility left. Perhaps this
    is its way of fighting back, that sometimes
    something happens better than all the riches
    or power in the world. It could be anything,
    but very likely you notice it in the instant
    when love begins. Anyway, that’s often the
    case. Anyway, whatever it is, don’t be afraid
    of its plenty. Joy is not made to be a crumb.

    Mary Oliver

    This past weekend I shot some senior portraits in Red Feather Lakes. While I was there I made another trip on Elf Lane. As I got out and walked among all the elfs and assorted other characters I suddenly, but not unexpectedly, experienced joy. Thought this little frog and princess needed to have their photo taken.

  • horizons,  landscape,  mountains,  quotes,  sunsets

    Holiness of the Present Moment

    Colorado Front Range Sunset – 2011

    A contemplative practice is any act, habitually entered into with your whole heart, as a way of awakening, deepening, and sustaining a contemplative experience of the inherent holiness of the present moment.

    James Finley

    His quote opens up a lot of possibilities in living a spiritual journey but also apply to photography.  I have a daily contemplative practice of prayer and meditation. When I skip them, cut them short, my day is off. I miss things, out of sorts, quick to anger, restless, wandering in my thoughts, judgemental and more. My daily contemplative practice keeps me centered in living life, what I call the present moment. 

    In my photography his definition of a contemplative practice does two things for me. One is that I gain experience in my craft, where practice helps me become more adept at using my gear. Secondly, it provides me the opportunity to be in the present moment where I’m able to see the dragonfly, or the baby cottontail hiding under a bush, or hear the chickadee sing, or notice the light beam striking a rose or the orange sunset beaming light over the Front Range. I believe a contemplative practice allows me to receive the gifts of nature for my photography as well as in my spiritual journey. I like being in the holiness of the present moment. Now coffee!

  • landscape,  musings,  natural areas,  Pineridge Natural Area,  sunrises,  writing/reading

    Early Mornings

    Early mornings in nature have a positive effect on me. I always return home feeling more of my true self, refreshed, and nurtured by her touch. I want to believe that these times with nature change me in so many ways. It is in the silence and the beauty of nature that help me be aware of my breathing, my physical senses and how much a part of this world I really am. And, these feeble attempts to express in my own words always seems to fall short. Probably the only way to know what I experience is for you to experience it.

  • coffee life,  coffee shops,  fountain pens,  journal,  lifestyles,  musings,  poetry,  still life,  writing/reading

    … with you

    It was an overcast morning and cool. There was no need for a coat, my fleece would do fine. I slept well and felt refreshed. On most mornings I usually start my day by asking and relying on my intuition. Do I want to head to a natural area and all that it has to offer or do I head to a coffee shop and all it has to offer. This is a gift of retirement. After quiet time my intuition lead me to a local coffee shop. I was not disappointed as my barista, Devan, brightened my day with her latte art. Of course a photo needed to be taken followed by my feeble attempts to write about it.

    crafted with frothed milk
    a work of art now created
    no longer just a latte

    the sense of taste awakens
    as the visual sense is transformed
    when lips touch the cups rim

    now sharing this experience
    as a written memory in the journal
    … and with you
