• fountain pens,  journal,  musings

    To Be Fully Alive

    Pilot Custom 74

    Someone shared a quote with me by Mother Teresa that says “to be holy is to be fully alive.” Seems as I’m aging I am becoming more alive, maybe even fully alive! But, being holy is another story. Anyway, my experiences in becoming fully alive has required me to rely on courage. I remember a time when I prayed for courage, believing it was something I didn’t have, not realizing it’s already a part of who I am. And, I believe a part of who we all are. I’ve learned that looking at my failures as lessons rather than condemning myself has required courage. Asking for help requires courage. It takes courage just to believe that I can grow in my creativity, in my spiritual life, to face the reality of life and, yes, to be fully alive.

    Read this morning that the Alexander Mountain FIre is at 9,680 acres and now at 32% containment. Smoke is still bad so air quality is very poor. We are hoping to have rain showers and cooler temperatures for the next 7 days. Should help with containing the fires. Happy Sunday

  • landscape,  natural areas,  quotes,  Reservoir Ridge Natural Area,  storm clouds

    An Artist of Our Days

    Clouds on my walk at Reservoir Ridge Natural Area.

    Each of us is an artist of our days; the greater our integrity and awareness, the more original and creative our time will become.

    John O’Donohue

    It’s taken a few years to see myself as any sort of an artist. That was primarily because I believed in that voice telling me I wasn’t. And yet, I always had those dreams of what could be. So, I can regretful, remorseful for listening to that negative voice or be the artist of my remaining days. I am doing what I can to be the creative I can be. And, I do that one day at a time, learning from each failure. I also believe everyone is an artist of their days! It is through your shares and your blogs that I know some of you are painting, gardening, flying drones, learning new forms of art, traveling and more. Happy Wednesday!

  • flowers,  Photography,  Plants,  quotes

    Maya Knows

    “You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. In fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so you can know who you are, what you can rise from, how you can still come out of it.”

    Maya Angelou

    Personally some defeats in my life knocked me down and I stayed down: defeated. Yet for some defeats I was able to get back up, try again, and more often than I want to admit, sometimes failed again. I remember when I labeled my defeats as who I was, a failure, and in many areas of my life. But, over time we do begin to grow up and with the help of others I’ve since learned I am not my failures. Each of those defeats has been a lesson in life when I pay attention and vitally needed for my growth. Maya knows what she’s talking about. Have a super Awesome Sunday!

  • architecture,  Photography,  quotes

    Trusting Yourself

    The Lock

    “The creative process can start to open up once you just trust yourself. If you empower yourself to try something different and give yourself permission to fail, you become more creative. Don’t make the metrics of success or failure the guidelines by which you proceed. Instead make experimentation, expression and joy the metrics.”

    Scott Bourne

    Here us a good read by Scott Bourne where he said somethings impacting me and my life. We have the opportunity to unlock the door to our creative process: the key of trust.