• Avian,  quotes


    Faith is the bird that feels the light and sings while the dawn is still dark.

    Rabindranath Tagore

    There is a marsh along Weld County Rd. 13 that I like to visit for bird photos. I park the car in a pull off area then walk along the edges of the marsh with my tripod and camera looking for Red-winged blackbirds and Yellow breasted blackbirds. I watch and listen. Bird photography requires a lot of patience, something I need more of, in all areas of my life. So it’s a good practice for me. The agility of birds fascinates me, especially the smaller ones. They are quick and mobile so getting an image in focus is a task all by itself. Thus the need for patience. Once this female red-winged blackbird landed on the cattail and graciously pose for me, I needed to wait for a few seconds to let the cattail stop bouncing. Had to have some faith that would happen.

    Have a great day!

  • clouds,  landscape,  Mary Oliver,  mountains,  quotes,  sunsets


    One of our Colorado sunsets

    Knowledge has entertained me and it has shaped me and it has failed me. Something in me still starves. In what is probably the most serious inquiry of my life, I have begun to look past reason, past the provable, in other directions. Now I think there is only one subject worth my attention and that is the precognition, the condition of my own spiritual state. I am not talking about having faith necessarily, although one hopes to. What I mean by spirituality is not theology, but attitude. Such interest nourishes me beyond the finest compendium of facts. In my mind now, in any comparison of demonstrated truths and unproven but vivid intuitions, the truth loses.

    Mary Oliver, Upstream
  • landscape,  Mary Oliver,  natural areas,  quotes,  sunrises

    Spiritual Side of the World

    “I have begun to look past reason, past the provable, in other directions. Now I think there is only one subject worth my attention and that is the precognition of the spiritual side of the world and, within this recognition, the condition of my own spiritual state. I am not talking about having faith necessarily, although one hopes to. What I mean by spirituality is not theology, but attitude.”

    Mary Oliver, Upstream

    I’ve mentioned before how I am experiencing more nights and mornings of disturbed sleep. Here is an example from a week ago. I awoke at 2:00 am, wide awake. I finally got up around 3:30 am and journaled for a half hour. I quietly prayed, taking in deep breaths. I finally got up, dressed and had my quiet centering prayer. Grabbed coffee then drove to Pineridge Natural Area to watch the sun rise. It was dark when I pulled up in the parking lot. I counted eight magpies perched on the branches of a barren tree and silhouetted against the predawn sky while the faint light accented the frozen reservoir. As the sun began to rise above the horizon the magpies leave their perch in search of food. I take a dozen photos but mostly just watch it all happen. Everything around me begins to brighten as the sun brings forth this new day. I watch a flock of geese fly above the horizon then divide in two groups and circle in search of fields to graze in. Nature on display. A few minutes later the sun has fully risen. Its warm rays are extending out to everything. The warmth feels good to my cold hands and feet. I’m in agreement with Mary Oliver that time in the spiritual side of the world tweaks of my attitude.

    Hope everyone has a Merry Christmas. 🎁