My online journal where I share my interests in photography, nature, coffee life, journaling, fountain pens, bicycling, spirituality and asking deep questions.
falls morning stroll leaves wearing coat of frost winter draws near
We are on the second day of a five day cold stretch. Nighttime temperatures are to be around 20 degrees. The bright side is we’re expecting to have mostly sunny days. The last two days I’ve awoken to the beauty of a frost covered world. A reminder that winter is quickly approaching.
This time the artist, Nature, used the tools of leaves and freezing rain to create these two images. I’m impressed. I can’t do that! However, I can take a digital copy of it.
“A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.”
A couple of the last summer flowers of the season from a morning walk
I awoke to look out my window and see a heavy dew on everything. Yes, the mornings are getting cooler. The present temperature of 50 degrees is letting me know fall is quickly approaching. My weather app tells me we may see night time lows in the 40’s this weekend, the first of the fall season. We call this season Autumn and it marks the transition from summer to winter for the northern hemisphere, traditionally set to begin on September 21. Autumn brings on the chill of winter, skies turn grey, the amount of usable daylight drops rapidly, leaves change colors and begin their journey of decent leaving trees to look naked and bare. My bicycle rides to coffee will become brisk and invigorating, heavier clothing and gloves will be the new normal. Throughout the day the skies are filling with sounds of Canada Geese as they fly by looking for that perfect spot to spend the winter, nature’s version of the snowbird. Time to welcome Autumn, one of my favorite seasons.
Well, it’s about 3 weeks till Winter Solstice. Thankfully, we’ve only had a couple of light snowfalls this fall. Most of our trees are barren of their leaves, allowing the birds and squirrels nests to be are easily seen. The few leaves we do see on branches are those who refuse to give it up and hang on, or they are the ones caught among branches on their decent to the ground. I noticed this group of three leaves from a tree above, tangled in the branches of a bush. They were easily seen as I walked by since they were at eye level. So nature offered this simple image, who many would not see, and I accepted the image.
Here is another image from my walk at the Arapaho Bend Nature Area this past weekend. Hope everyone is enjoying their leftover candy from Halloween Night. Strange how we always buy too much of it.
I think this is the temperature where I start to feel chilled as we move deeper into the fall season. It’s not a cold but a chill that is deep inside the body. And, there is a chance it may be rising a degree or two each year I get older. Or, it could just be the beginning of October.
Before you think I’m going on a negative rant know that fall is one of my favorite seasons. I enjoy the changes all around me, the colors and the cooler temperatures. Even the first frost is neat to wake up to, unless I’m camping. Saturday morning was the first time this season for scraping frost off the windshield. It’s a season I like to pull out the fleece pullovers, sweaters, and gloves from the bottom drawer of the dresser. Dust off the slippers. I like the aroma filling my house as I make stew or chili. I like to wrap myself in a blanket in a comfy chair and sip on hot tea or a freshly made latte while I read. I like the walks and watching leaves make their downward journey as they partake of the circle of life. I like to hear and see the Canada Geese making their seasonal migration. Maybe the chill is because I know the coming weeks will bring even colder temperatures. Stay warm and enjoy the coming week.