• Avian,  landscape,  meadowlark,  natural areas,  prairie,  writing/reading

    Be Snake Awake

    Meadowlark perched on a fence post

    Last week somewhere around this spot a white tail doe bounced through the field heading towards the trees in the background. This scene looks very different than last week because the hay was up to her back, guessing it was 3-4 feet tall. The hay has been cut, baled and most of it taken and stacked in some hay barn awaiting the coming winter. Something else different in this scene is one of “my” meadowlarks sitting on the fence post, singing a good morning song. Also enjoyed the sun’s rays shining through the clouds.

    Beware sign at the trailhead leading into Reservoir Ridge Natural Area

    This sign is located at the beginning of the trailhead, giving a fair warning. I have a friend who runs some of the trails along the foothills and says they have been seeing more snakes as we get closer to July and things warm up. These signs are important for those who are not familiar to the area and it’s dangers and a reminder to those who forget. I have only seen a couple of them over the past 20 years while exploring the trails. It’s a good idea to make a little noise just so they will scurry away.

  • clouds,  landscape,  poems,  prairie,  writing/reading

    Sing along

    Rainbow in western Weld County, Colorado (2016)

    I had front row seats to the concert. The stage was an old weathered fence post and on stage was one of my favorite solo performers, the western meadowlark. I love their melody but I honestly do not understand the lyrics to their song. So, I listen with my heart and use my gift of imagination. What if their song is letting the world know of the joy they have with life and the desire to share that joy. Then again, they could be asking us to stand in awe and wonder of those clouds placed on the horizon by the Creator. My heart agrees, it is a masterpiece today. Yet, maybe the song is an invitation to return again tomorrow for the finale. And, then the rainbow appeared, a symbol of peace and serenity, and a promise that more is to come. The meadowlark finished the concert and headed to the next one or maybe to practice. Yes, I will return and maybe even sing along.

  • fog,  landscape,  quotes,  sunrises


    Sun peaking through the morning fog

    “To listen is very hard, because it asks of us so much interior stability that we no longer need to prove ourselves by speeches, arguments, statements,…True listeners no longer have an inner need to make their presence known. They are free to receive, welcome, and accept.” Henri Nouwen

  • Avian,  landscape,  sunrises

    Sunrise and the Fence Post

    HDR Preset at Dawn
    HDR Preset at Dawn

    This image is post processed using an extreme HDR Pro 2 preset. I like it. There is no sign of the city. No sounds of the city. Just the wind blowing in the grass. It’s an image that reminds me why I get up early, make my latte, and drive east to watch the sun come up.

    But, there is another reason I get up early. The birds! As took the above image a couple meadowlarks were singing in the back ground. Ever notice how birds are up early? And, they’re singing. And, they’re happy. Ever wonder why? Well, maybe it’s because, as William Camden says, “The early bird catches the worm.” Or, in this case it’s probably going to be flying insects, but still. Begs the question why the insects are out so early. Why don’t they just sleep in late and not get caught? One of those nature things. But without all that circle of life stuff, I wouldn’t get to enjoy hearing them sing in the morning when I get up early.

  • Plants

    The Corn is Getting Tall

    The Corn Field

    A drive out east on County Road 15 showed lots of corn fields with some very tall corn stalks. Everything is green out there from all the irrigation with a coolness not found in the city limits. Kinda nice place to be. I’m off on a 3-day trip today, see when I get back.

  • HDR,  landscape,  Plants,  trees

    Happy 4th of July

    Yesterday’s evening in the lowlands

    Sorry for posting another image of trees and another fence post but they seem to be everywhere I look. I did make a drive north of town last night and found some interesting areas I will need to search out. Seems like lots of potential for images. I do hope everyone enjoys their 4th of July!