• natural areas,  Reservoir Ridge Natural Area


    My time in Phoenix with my mother and then the 8 hour drive to Texas and back, was far more sedentary than I realized. I did not get in the steps like I needed so need to get back into a routine again. I’m sure more walking will increase also with the coming of cooler fall temperatures.

    After a burst of lightning in Colorado over the past 48 hours aircraft from Colorado Fire Prevention and Control have spotted 37 small fires. We only have a couple that are of concern but the smoke is having a negative impact on our air quality. We will be dry and warm today with moisture arriving on Wednesday.

    I received word yesterday afternoon that my dad and brother-in-law have tested positive for COVID-19. Both are tired and have little energy. My sister Marcee tested negative and my sister Sheree will test today. I’m scheduled for testing Thursday morning. Life is topsy-turvy right now. 😍

  • landscape,  natural areas,  Reservoir Ridge Natural Area


    Joe had a post last week where he talks about accepting the gift of images rather than taking them or capturing them. I believe that’s true and evident in my photography. And then this morning I was reflecting on how I call myself a photographer as if it’s something I became through self will, practice, training, study, vision. While all of those are needed, maybe I need to see it as another gift where “I’m being given the opportunity to be a photographer.” 😍

  • Avian,  natural areas,  Reservoir Ridge Natural Area

    Afternoon Walk

    I had a quiet walk at Reservoir Ridge Natural Area yesterday evening. It was a hot and muggy day so I was sweaty by the time I returned to the car. May have to take my monthly shower a week earlier than scheduled.

    It was also very quiet. In the hour I was there I only heard one meadowlark, far off in the pasture, a half dozen red-winged blackbirds chattering in a tree and this mourning dove, who was mourning.

  • fog,  landscape,  Plants,  trees

    Silent Waves of Fog

    low lying clouds
    sea of suspended water
    silent waves of fog


    Had a short night of sleep but slept sound for most of it and feel rested. Headed out early and discovered a bit of fog on the eastern plains. A world of clouds and haze until the sun burns it off. Very humid and cool morning with 96% humidity and 57 degrees. It is fascinating to watch fog as it changes and moves like a wave ever so silently and quickly. Fog does not hang around for too long. It is a cloud at the earth’s surface. A wave moving over bales of hay.

    A touch of pink in this image as the sun is about to rise behind the low clouds in the east. We are seeing fields of both the ripening wheat and three foot tall stalks of corn. Farmers are irrigating the fields of corn so lots of surface moisture to generate the fog. Where I’m standing is a ditch full of gurgling water, almost like having my own little stream. Have a great day!

  • Avian,  Mary Oliver,  meadowlark,  poems


    Western Meadowlark

    Sixty-seven years, oh Lord, to look at the clouds,
    the trees in deep, moist summer,
    daisies and morning glories
    opening every morning
    their small, ecstatic faces—
    Or maybe I should just say
    how I wish I had a voice
    like the meadowlark’s,
    sweet, clear, and reliably
    slurring all day long
    from the fencepost, or the long grass
    where it lives
    in a tiny but adequate grass hut
    beside the mullein and the everlasting,
    the faint-pink roses
    that have never been improved, but come to bud
    then open like little soft sighs
    under the meadowlark’s whistle, its breath-praise,
    its thrill-song, its anthem, its thanks, its
    alleluia. Alleluia, oh Lord.

    Mary Oliver
  • clouds,  haiku,  landscape,  natural areas,  Pineridge Natural Area,  sunrises,  writing/reading

    The Storm Approaches

    This morning's sunrise at Pineridge Natural Area
    Framing this morning’s sunrise at Pineridge Natural Area though the fence.

    clouds on horizon
    wind blows cold from the north
    snow storm approaches


    Winter storm warning has been issued. Snow begins later today and into the night with 3-6 inches accumulation. Watched a bank of clouds sit along the eastern horizon while clouds drifted from north to south filling in the open sky above me. The storm approaches.

  • haiku,  landscape,  sunsets,  writing/reading

    Unbroken Silence

    solitary fence posts
    without the meadowlarks song
    unbroken silence


    Our first forest fire started back in August and every since then I seldom see or hear the meadowlarks singing when visiting the natural areas. I assume they moved farther east onto the plains due to the smoke and ash. And, now that it’s colder we will see less of them. Spent some time journaling about missing their enchanting song this morning.